
Should I circumcise my newborn son?

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My baby isn't due until december but its quite the heated topic between myself and some very opinionated grandparents! my husband and I don't really care if we do or don't, and the main driving force behind us not doing it is the rather hefty fee! (about $350 where we are) so bottom line, is it better for the baby to do it? or not do it? or does it even matter?




  1. I wouldn't do it if I had a son, it's not necessary. The money could be better spent on something else. A f******n is a normal part of the p***s. It's not as susceptible to infection or problems as some people say - but if something does arise, it can be dealt with at the time. Also it's easier to clean than a circumcision wound (the f******n is attached and you just wipe the outside). My boyfriend is intact and happy he wasn't circumcised.


  2. Yes, you have definitely been given some bad information! My son is intact and he's never had any infections or anything bad like that. My husband and I decided not to have it done because it's pointless and unnecessary.

    The United States is the only country that does this routinely and it's not as common as it was years ago. I think that the latest statistic I read was about 50%. That means plenty of other boys will "look like" your son in the locker room or whatever. And personally, if a girl thinks my son's p***s is "gross" I don't think I'd care for him to have an intimate relationship with her in the first place.

    P.S. It's not harder to clean as a newborn. It's probably easier! You don't have to worry about human waste getting on an open sore.

  3. Definitely don't! Have you ever wondered why it wasn't covered by insurance? Simply because there is absolutely no medical ground to the procedure and is therefore considered as cosmetic surgery.

    As such, don't you think it should be left to your son to decide by himself when he is older? I don't believe that parents have a right to decide for another human being on altering their body for life if it's not for a medical life-threatening reason.

    Trust me, he will thank you later if you leave it up to him. Think about it that way, he can easily have it done if he wishes to, but it can never be undone. His s*x life WILL be affected if he is circumcised and not for the better.

    Please check the history if circumcision in the attached link, it will give you some perspective.

    Congrats on your upcoming birth and, please give your son the chance to decide for himself what is best.

  4. Personally, I feel circumcision is archaic.  It served a purpose when people were not able to bathe daily and did not have soap.  Now, it is unnecessary.  I also believe s*x is better for the male if he is not circumcised.   However, I believe some people are still hung up on this.  I remember some co-workers debating this and stating that an uncircumcised boy would be teased by other boys in the locker room, etc.  However, I would not promote mutilating one's body just because society is hung up on a pointless ritual.

  5. If you are going to do it do it while he is still tiny.  Without the f******n it is also easier to keep clean but it is really just a matter of opinion and what you want to do.  So it doesn't is yours and your husbands baby not the grandparents.  Between the TWO of you decide what is best.

  6. Well, uncircumcised is becoming more and more popular, so since every family with a new baby is on a tight budget I would say save the money.  There is no health reason to do it, the only reason to do it now a days is for girls later in life and it isn't really a big deal. I say save the money, or buy really cute shoes.

  7. I wish my parents hadn't chosen it for me, when I found out about it I read everything I could, I know tons of information about and have read both pro and anti circumcision websites, I really wanted to believe it was good, but the truth just isn't there, you see and hear all these claims but if you ask for the actual study nobody has them or they are so old and used invalid techniques and would not even be considered for publishing, I wanted to believe it was good but if you look at both sides, circumcising without an immediate medical need makes no sense at all.

    I did f******n restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some f******n) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is.

    people have said in relation to sexual pleasure




    and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

    let your son have an entire p***s, he only has one life to live, only one chance to feel the full sexual pleasure, if you circumcise him he will never be able to experience it

  8. There's no consensus but I will be circumcising my son (s). The pain (which can be greatly diminished if done properly) is not the issue for me. From what I've read and my doctor friends, I think it's a better option for later. It's definitely more hygienic and forgive my superficiality but uncircumcised (uncut) men aren't attractive. I find it disgusting but that's just me. Some older men say they're upset because the f******n is very sensitive and they missed out on greater sexual pleasure. Other men have no such complaint. Some women/men say sexual pleasure is increased during penetration with uncut men.

    To each their own. I think there's more than enough reason to strongly consider the procedure.

  9. It really you and your husband choice. I have two boys. I have them already circumcise. They I didn't see anything wrong with them. I know they don't remember anything about that little surgery. I have heard at times while they get older they do have to get it if they don't have that surgery. I think you might want to do some research then decide from there.

  10. Here are some "simpler" ways to think about this:

    Most importantly - Is your husband circumcised.  Your young son will, as he grows, identify his body with that of his father.  If Dad is, son should be.  If dad is not, son should not be - and dad can teach him how to clean the area.

    Uncircumcised baby boys (and young boys too), required additional cleaning during diaper changes, baths and showers.  The likelihood of infection is strong - both on the external shaft as well as bladder infections.

    Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised boys are running at around 50% right now - so the "does it even matter" means that parents equally make the same decision as you are struggling.

  11. There's no reason to have him circumcised.

    Don't do it.

    You're exposing your son to meatal stenosis if you get him circumcised. Meatal stenosis is the narrowing of the urethra which is a result of the f******n being removed. You see, the f******n protects the head of the p***s from the acidity of the uric acid which burn and scar up the urinary tract.

    There's no need, don't let your parents parent your child. He doesn't need to be circumcised.

  12. Personally I don't think it matters especially if your religion doesn't call for it. I think circumcised just cause it's the norm but there still a good amount of people uncircumcised. So again you and your husbands choice. I wouldn't let the grandparents interfere it's not their kid afterall and how much time are they gonna spend staring at his d**k for it to matter anyway.

  13. It doesn't really matter if you do or don't, just so you pull back the f******n and keep his p***s clean. Later he will learn to do it himself.

    Some research says that women who are married to uncircumcised men have a greater incident of cervical cancer.

    For looks, he probably will look different from most of his gym mates when shower time comes.

    These are just a few examples, others will come up with other reasons to do it or not.

  14. You've been given a lot of bad information!  Both my boys are intact and neither has ever had an infection.  Most men in the world (80%) are not circumcised and they have no problem.  In the U.S. only half the boys are circumcised now so your son wouldn't be singled out and picked on.  The uncircumcised p***s needs no special care.  Never pull the f******n back!  If you DO circumcise, you'll have to clean the wound at every diaper change, put on Vaseline, change the gauze, and clean under the little bit of f******n he has left every single day.  (They try to cut loose so the boy will have enough skin to grow into.)  Circumcised penises are MUCH harder to keep clean.  Can you imagine wiping p**p off your son's raw p***s?

    Learn what circumcision really is and I'm sure you and your husband will decide not to do this to your perfect baby!


    By the way, my husband is circumcised and our sons have never noticed that they look different from Daddy.  

  15. My son is 6 years old and I had him circumcised before we left the hospital.  For the people saying it is mutilating the body, IT IS NOT..

    I was in there when the Dr. did my son's because I was afriad somethine bad could happen (being a first time mom), The only pain my son was in, was from being put in a harness, so he could not move, (FOR HIS SAFETY).  

    All the procedure is, is taking a small pair of medical scissors and cutting the f******n, so it can be rolled back.  Yes, it does cause a little blood and discomfort for a few days, if you use wipes.  But if you use a soft cloth with warm water, there isn't any discomfort.  My son's healed in about 5 days and was perfectly fine.  

    It is said to be healthier and safer for a boy to be circumciesed, because with the extra skin it can cause infections, and I've heard even cause trouble urinating, if the skin gets longer then head itself.

    Infections are caused by the parent or the child not pulling back the skin, to clean it throughly.  

    As for the s*x concerns, He's a baby, that won't be a concern for quite awhile, but yes, many girls prefer one side over the other, it's completely a preference of a girl.  

    If you don't do it know and he decides to have it done later in life, it will be more painful for him, and may cause more problems.  

    It is completely your choice, as his parent, but as a parent myself, I had it done, because I felt it was a healthier choice for my son and I don't ever look back and regret it.

    If you are having thoughts about it, talk to his pedi and see what he/she says about it, the pedo may be able to offer you more advice on it and then it will be coming from a professional who deals with this on a daily basis.

    Good Luck with whatever choice you make.

  16. If I ever get to have a son, I plan on having him circumsized, assuming we can afford it. There haven't been a lot of studies, but I know that my bf isn't circumsized, and I swear I'm getting yeast infections because of it. I have never had one in my life until we started sleeping together, and I get more UTI's too. His dad never bothered to teach him how to clean properly, and he's a big guy, so he sweats a lot too. I hate it, and have asked him to get it done, but he won't, lol. The dead skin cells, ejaculates and sweat all accumulate in his f******n and it really does smell funny. A guy I used to date who had it done as a teenager swears he feels more with the extra skin gone too, but it's hard to ask guys who've grown up with it already done, they never know, lol.

    Good luck!  

  17. My cousin was not circumcised as a baby. When he turned around 12 or 13 years old and realized how different he looked from most other guys, he wanted to get circumcised. He was in A LOT of pain and it was really sad to listen to him in pain. Which is mostly why i got my son circumcised. That and so that when my boyfriend teaches him to potty or whatever, my son won't be confused. But the decision is ultimately yours. Do your research and find out what's best for your son. Congrats and good luck!

  18. Wow there are a lot of ignorant answers here. I can't believe so many people still think that cutting off your f******n is a good idea (despite what pediatricians say).

    You know that this is something that only goes on in America right? I mean if you were living in England, France, Germany or Australia you wouldn't even consider getting him circumcised unless you were Jewish. Americans have an obsession with circumcision that is really sad because there is no good reason for doing this to a helpless infant. He will be perfectly healthy with his f******n. That part does serve several purposes you know. Cleanliness isn't a factor if your boys maintains proper hygiene, and it's not an excuse for amputation. The benefit of keeping that part outweighs any negatives I can assure you.  

  19. I definitely think the baby is better off if you don't do it.  The reason insurance won't cover it is because it's considered non-theraputic (unnecessary) surgery.

    Please ignore all the comments about it being hard to keep an intact boy clean and how you need to pull the skin back to clean it...that advice is WRONG, and a big part of why some kids "need" to be cut later in life!  Terrible advice.  

    The f******n is attached to the p***s the same way your fingernail is attached to your finger.  Now imagine ripping your fingernails up over and over again to clean under them...that would result in a lot of pain, and probably some pretty bad infections, right?

    The bottom line is that it's unnecessary, painful and risky.  More than 10% of boys have complications from circ - you don't hear that very often, but it's true.  Meatal stenosis is just one complication, and that occurs in 9% of all circ'ed boys. It is virtually unheard of in intact boys, and often requires another surgery to fix.  And some of the possible complications won't show up until puberty or later, so just because he seems fine at 3 months old or 2 years old doesn't mean he's out of the woods.  Things like early impotence and decreased sensitivity obviously won't be apparent until he is much older.

    If you just leave him the way he is, he can always have it done later if that's what he really wants.  If you have it done now, it can never be undone.

  20. You do have the choice and I certainly would not judge you for taking either road.  But there are definitely more downsides than the cost.  You have to clean the p***s very well each diaper change, being uncircumcised he will be more prone to infections.  

    Don't let the opinions of other people effect the decision you make for your son, he is YOUR son, not there's!

  21. The surgery is extremely painful.  96% of the time babies are not given any anesthesia, other than sugar on a pacifier, because anesthesia is considered to be dangerous.  The pain of circumcision is so traumatic to the baby that it often interferes with breastfeeding, because the baby goes into almost a catatonic state afterward.

    If you have the stomach for it, watch this video of a baby being circumcised.  Anyone who chooses to have their son circumcised without being willing to watch the procedure is a coward.

    On second thought, do not watch this video if you decide to not circumcise.  The horror will unnecessarily traumatize you.  But if you still plan on circumcising after everything you've read, you do need to watch the video.

    You will be busy enough as a brand new mom without having to care for a fresh wound.  Whenever the baby pees or poops, it gets on the wound and causes more pain.  How can pee and p**p on a wound be considered clean?

    Caring for an intact (uncircumcised) p***s is the easiest thing in the world.  You don't have to do anything at all!!! DO NOT retract (pull back) the f******n.  It is fused to the p***s like a fingernail is fused to your nailbed.  That is one of the reasons why infant circumcision is so painful.  It is like tearing your fingernail off.

    I've had s*x with many circumcised men, and 3 intact men.  The s*x with the intact men was so, so much better.  Here is a website that will explain why.

    On the west coast, the majority of babies are NOT being circumcised.  In the midwest, where people in general are less open to new ideas, the circumcision rate is higher.  If your son goes to college in California, he's going to be upset that he is cut, because the women will have had experience with both and they will KNOW which is better.  I know that is difficult to think about, but your baby will grow up.  Let him keep his whole body and his whole p***s.

    As a reminder, DO NOT RETRACT the f******n!  99.9% of problems in uncirumcised babies are from uninformed parents and doctors retracting the f******n, causing pain, injury, and scarring.  It is unbelievable, but many doctors do not know how to care for an intact p***s, and they retract the f******n and advise parents to do it.  Do not allow anyone to retract your baby's f******n.  Before the doctor opens your baby's diaper during a checkup, tell him to not retract.  Watch the doctor like a hawk to make sure he doesn't do it.

  22. I didn't get my son circumcised because they don't give babies any thing for the pain and I really didn't see any reason why I should have (still don't) btw his dad isn't. So its up to you. People may say they look ugly but come on, what are the chances that he'll be a p***s model or a p**n star?

    Either way whatever you decide you have to understand the risk that come with circumcision. I've seen a few baby boys suffer infections.  

  23. there are lots of speculations around the topic of circumcision. today, it is considered the normal thing to do. there are also a lot of different reasons why people do it...keeping the area sanitary, it prevents certain infections, and during puberty, it becomes a definite thing that most guys (and girls) think is best. I would say get it done. you wont regret it. leaving f******n there causes a lot more trouble than its worth, you will be glad you spent the money, and im sure when your son is like...17 or 18, he will be glad too.  

  24. There are many medical opinions that say it's better to do it. Unfortunately, men were born with f******n and why should it be removed? Just make sure you tell your son to always clean the area well. I have read that the f******n contains bacteria that keep the area properly sanitized but I don't really believe that this is so myself, better safe than sorry. I have never had an infection in the 40 years that I am alive, but some guys just aren't clean this way. The cleaning advice was one thing I was grateful for to my mother - and the fact that she didn't have me circumcised. The religious argument never holds up, no matter what the rabbi or other priests say. This part of religion is definitely just an ego trip. That some people call the extra skin gross is dehumanizing, the skin is there for a purpose - protection and stimulation. There's also a psychological reason not to circumcise as it appears that circumcised men tend to be more hostile or hold grudges towards the parent who encouraged it or let it happen. See the link as one resource to reflect upon. I hope for your son that you don't do it. Save your money!

  25. about 75% of boys are circumcised these days (according to my Mom who works at a day care).

    We circumcised my son for a few different reasons: 1) his dad is so they both look the same, 2) its easier to take care of, 3) a lot of boys are, and 4) it just looks better. The main reason is so that it looks like his dads. I think that it will be easier to potty train if he can watch his dad in action and then there isnt any questions about why daddy looks different.

  26. there is NOTHING wrong with leaving it on. It is not unhygenic. It only used to be hygenic when men were not able to wash. Nobody I have ever heard of has been circumsized. . For all of those who said to get circumsized because 'it looks better" what a vain reason to put your baby through pain and remove part of their body. In my country a guy would be laughed at if he was circumsized because everybody has skin down there (here in new zealand i have never heard of anyone having their child circumsized) Its there for a reason so leave it alone.

    I have also never heard of anyone getting an infection because the skin is on. And it does not look funny it looks normal. Please just make sure you do some proper reaserch before deciding and dont listen to the uneducated people on here that suggest it is unclean because that is not true

  27. No, not at all.

    Circumcision should only be carried out for medical reasons.

    Circumcision is genital mutilation and cannot be reversed.

    Edit; It baffles me when the majority of pro-circumcision respondants are female yet quote "cleanliness" as a reason for mutilation.

    I am 41 years old, un-circumcised and clean.

    I do not profess to know the full functions of the female body.

    Likewise, unless a woman is a GP, she has no idea about the daily function of the male anatomy.

    Circumcision is butchery, regardless of religious or "dad has it".


    EDIT 2

    The thumbs down have come from women. You know my body better than I know it, that's impressive.

    EDIT 3

    Thank you Lisa for this link;

  28. Most people aren't even doing it anymore. I think the rate has dropped to around 50/50. It's not really that great a thing to be honest. I mean I was circumcised when I was born, but that's only because people thought it was healthier back then. Today, we know that it really doesn't have any health benefits and their are benefits to keeping the f******n. If I were you, I would just leave it alone. Why pay money for an unnecessary surgery that's just going to hurt your baby? And getting it done because "grandparents" think it's better really doesn't make much sense. Back in their day, they probably thought that masturbation led to insanity! That was one of the reasons why circumcision was made popular to begin with (to cure masturbation). So they might be behind the times a little. Good luck!

  29. Congratulations on your news!

    Whether to circumcise a son is a question all parents face, but nowadays more and more are opting out of it.

    Here are some facts I suggest you consider:

    - According to a Gov't study, only HALF of baby boys are being circumcised in the US nowadays (compared to 80% a few decades ago) and worldwide only 20% are.

    - Circumcision is now seen as medically unnecessary. The AAP does not recommend routine circumcision anymore. They say "it is not essential to the child's current wellbeing."

    - The f******n is not just a useless flap of skin. It holds many protective, sensory and sexual functions, and since the invention of the shower, its real easy to keep clean.

    - An baby's uncircumcised p***s requires NO special attention. You don't need to clean under the f******n after every diaper change! He'll discover his f******n whenever he's ready (which won't be retractable until the age of 5-10) and then its a case of simply educating him about his own personal hygiene.

    I think you should leave your son’s p***s intact — He’ll be a bit of perfection when he’s born so 'if it aint broke dont fix it'!

  30. I would never. Have you seen it done  ( ) I have two boys that are uncut (circumcised) and my hubby is as my oldest was growing up we explained why he looks different than dad  and we will do this with the youngest. As for the boys should look like dad and that it's easyer if he looks like  dad  dad has pubic hair little boy don't ( my oldest the first times dad took him to the bathroom to show him how to pee standing up he was not upset about his different looking p***s he was upset about the pubic hair ). there is no extra cleaning during diaper changes you DON'T pull the forskin back till it retract on it's own

    "On occasion, a male is born without a f******n. This abnormality, called aposthia, occurs very rarely. When it does, hospital records must report it as a birth defect. It is truly ironic to think that this unusual defect is forced upon more than half of the males born in our country. "

    During the late 1800s, when circumcision was introduced to our culture as punishment for  masterbation people believed that masturbation caused a host of different illnesses.


  31. i got my son circumcised and they used a technique  that did not involve was a plastic ring around the for-skin and a string wrapped around and eventually it fell off and was healed. I'm glad we got it done now because if he decided he wanted it done as an adult he would remember that pain. just think of it as getting a baby girls ears pierced. when its done you can comfort them and they will never know that you caused them any pain.

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