About a month ago, some random lady backed up into my car door. (She totally recognizes that it was her fault). The damages amounted to $2,000. We agreed to keep insurance companies out. By law however, i was obligated to report it to the Collision center, because the damages exceeded $1,000. So that's what I did. The police phoned her a few days later, and told her to report it as well. She was worried that her insurance company would get a claim, so she phoned them and asked if they will be notified about a claim because of that report. She said she spoke to someone and they told her that a file from the collision center is sent to the insurance company but is not usually opened unless a claim is made. She then dropped off a Certified Cheque to my car dealership and told me to get it fixed anyways. So i Did. HOORAY!! my car is fixed!! 3 weeks later i bumped into her on the street, and she told me that her insurance went up, because a claim went through from the collision center (apparently her insurance company made a deal with the collision center that any at fault accidents reported are sent as a claim) and now she wants me to claim it so she can be reimbursed.....should i even care?? i got what i wanted out of this situation. my cars fixed!! In my mind this situation was over a while ago. If she has any problems with her rates I think she should take it up with her insurance company. what do you think??