
Should I claim an accident to my insurance company??

by  |  earlier

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About a month ago, some random lady backed up into my car door. (She totally recognizes that it was her fault). The damages amounted to $2,000. We agreed to keep insurance companies out. By law however, i was obligated to report it to the Collision center, because the damages exceeded $1,000. So that's what I did. The police phoned her a few days later, and told her to report it as well. She was worried that her insurance company would get a claim, so she phoned them and asked if they will be notified about a claim because of that report. She said she spoke to someone and they told her that a file from the collision center is sent to the insurance company but is not usually opened unless a claim is made. She then dropped off a Certified Cheque to my car dealership and told me to get it fixed anyways. So i Did. HOORAY!! my car is fixed!! 3 weeks later i bumped into her on the street, and she told me that her insurance went up, because a claim went through from the collision center (apparently her insurance company made a deal with the collision center that any at fault accidents reported are sent as a claim) and now she wants me to claim it so she can be reimbursed.....should i even care?? i got what i wanted out of this situation. my cars fixed!! In my mind this situation was over a while ago. If she has any problems with her rates I think she should take it up with her insurance company. what do you think??




  1. I wouldn't do anything more than the law requires.  I also would go out of my way to NOT "bump into" this person ever again.

  2. I don't understand, if she didn't submit a claim that was paid by her insurance co. how can her insurance co. raise her rates.If the collision center submitted a claim then the insurance co. would send them a check for repairs so the damage would be paid for twice and that's not right someone should question the garage

  3. she is out of luck.. your car is fix right... let he rthink all she wants the deal is long been done with.....

  4. Your car is fixed that's all you wanted let her deal with her insurance co and don't  claim it on yours. Its all between her and her insurance company not you or your insurance. She was at fault and now is trying to get your insurance to pay for her mistake. Tell her thanks for fixing your car and move on......ujn

  5. As long as you filed a police report and filed out the documents that the state requires, you are not obligated to inform your auto carrier.  Her car insurance likely found out through the police report or by MVA check as she was likely cited for the accident.  In my opinion, you have no moral or legal responsiblity to comply with her demands.  Since the accident was the other parties fault, she can report it to her auto carrier and they will likley contact you for a statement; however, you are not required to provide anything to them.  

    FYI for everyone out there, if you are in an accident and it is your fault let your insurance handle the claim.  No insurance policy has a deductible for PD(property damage caused to others) only a deductible to fix your car.  

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