
Should I come off the pill 3 months before ttc?

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My partner and I have decided to give ourselves 3 months (christmas-ish) before we ttc. Few reasons really- to get some alone time (hopefully for the last time in a while lol) and to get my body as ready as possible. Been taking prenantal vits for a week now and trying to get into good eating habits. I've seen a few people on here recommend coming off the pill 3 months b4 ttc to let your periods get back to normal, so my dilema is do I come off the pill now and risk losing this time 2gether (not that it'd be a disaster) or is the 3 month break not necessary?




  1. It depends on how quickly you want to get pregnany. My doctor recommended having at lead one period off the pill before starting to try.

    Personally I would come off and just see how it goes. I have problems and have been ttc for 1 year (PCOS) So don't expect to become pregnant straight away - it can take up to a year to get your period back after coming off the pill - the sooner you come off the sooner your body will be back to normal. Good luck

  2. Sounds like you are a control freak! You will still have 9 months to spend time with your husband before you have the baby.

    Get off the pill and relax.

    One think you will NEED to do is STOP planning everything! with pregnancy and kids every thing is out or your control and you will just have to go with the flow.

    * Please dont think I am being mean... I am just saving you a lot of frustation.

  3. According to my doctor coming off the pill 3 months before you try to concieve is not necessary.  It can take 6 months for your cycle to adjust after coming off the pill.  I would stop now and if you still want your 3 months of "your own time" then use another sort of protection until December.  Or just try now if you end up getting getting pregnant then rejoice.  Many woman having been trying for months or years.  If you get pregnant early then you should feel blessed.

  4. i would. i once didn't have a period for 6 months after coming off the pill

  5. I don't believe the 3 months is really necessary.  Many people get pregnant right after coming off the pill, and some get pregnant while on the pill (including myself).  And if you're worried about the hormones in your body just stop the pill 1 month before the cycle you are going to start trying, that will give your body a little time to get the hormone out of your system.  

  6. it preobably is a good idea that you do but just make sure you use condoms it does take about 3 cycles for your period to become normal but if you dont use condoms you may very well become pregnant in the first week good luck

  7. If I were you I would dq the pill for 3 months to give your body the opprotunity to become regular again. Something that the bc pill companies don't really advertise is that when you are taking the bc pill it prevents ovulation so it is really important to let your body adjust to being off of the pills for a bit. I took bc pills since I was young because I had such bad periods and now that I am married and ttc its just that much harder! Im only 23 and I thought I would just get pg the first time we tried and its justs not happening!!! I wish that I stopped the pill before I tried because even ovulation kits say that you should be off of the pill for 3 months to get the most accurate result. Some women do get pg right after stopping the pill and some don't. Its up to you!!! BEST OF LUCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. i would come off bc now and use a condom as a form of protection, because when i come off it it took my periods 7months to become regular and 3 more months to fall pregnant, true some woman fall pregnant straight away after stopping it, hence why i said use a condom if you don't want to conceive yet, but when you do want to try your periods should be back to normal  

  9. silly cow, sort your head out first.

    dirty mare

  10. I came off the mini-pill in November 2007 and 10 months on, I still haven't gotten pregnant.

    My friend came off her combined pill after being on it for 8 years and fell within 8 weeks.

    What i'm saying just never know!

    If you're in no hurry, wait till xmas, it will happen when it's your time :-)

    Good luck! x*x

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