
Should I commit suic*d*? Should I?

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Should I? I hate myself. Is it a good idea? Why or why not?




  1. Suicide is not the answer to whatever problems you have in your life. I'm certainly not making light of your problems. I have felt at times like what is the use in going on but your life is just as valuable as anyone elses.Try to find someone you really trust a friend a relative a person from you church if you have one maybe a teacher you once trusted but please believe that although your life may seem worthless right now there are many people who love you. Your life is as important as any other person in the world. You may not want it but you will be in my prayers.I've been on the bottom too but if you can just hang on it will be better in time. I don't even know who you are but you can safely say there is at least one person who loves you. I do Just because you are a human and not one of us is close to perfect.Please just give yourself a chance.

  2. Well, there are possible pros and cons.

    Possible pros:

    - You die and are no longer conscious of anything, including pain

    - You die and are met with some fantastic afterlife

    Possible cons:

    - You end up botching the attempt and live in lots of physical pain

    - You succeed in dying, but are awaited by an awful afterlife

    You just have to weigh the pros and cons. For example, if you were living in excruciating physical pain every day to the point that you couldn't move, then the cons wouldn't look so bad. However, if you're just dealing with feeling absolutely hopeless and extremely depressed, then the possible con of an unimaginably painful, torturous afterlife might still carry weight. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I've felt really down many times before and made it through, so I believe you can, too. If you want to talk, message me.

  3. Im not sure what kind of question this is. I mean,  everyone knows suicide is wrong. My teachers have always said that suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem. Whatever is going on in your life right now, it will all get straightened out eventually. Would you really like to miss all of the good times that are sure to come?

    A tip, for right now though. Try concentrating on the good points in the day. If someone smiles at you or talks to you nicely. Or helps you with something. Instead of concentrating on anything bad that might have happened. Just hang in there and try to be positive.

  4. The real question is "how should I?" So many options, only one final decision.

    Seriously though, I wouldn't. It's not worth it.

  5. Why not learn to play the piano instead.  

  6. No. Please, get some help. See a therapist, or go to a hospital, they will help you. Life is a gift. No matter how bad things get, they always get better. To quote Batman, "The night is darkest just before the dawn." Life will get better.  Please, just get some help.

  7. please join me on yahoo if u need to talk been there did not do that.

  8. Whats suic*d?

  9. Stick it out and see what happens

  10. no. killing urself is quiting, quitter  

  11. You're looking for attention, Right I don't think if you wanted to kill your self you would post a question on Y&A asking if your going to kill your self or not. Your just a little poser!

    And I bet you anything in the world you wont kill yourself

  12. No way, don't even think about it. Hey you need to know that you are here on this earth for a reason. Everyone on earth is here for a reason. Ask yourself, why do you hate yourself? What are the things that bug you? Can you change any of them? Now think about the things that are nice about yourself. When you wake up, make a list, start with 3 things that are good about yourself. Write them down. Do this every morning. We all have amazing things about ourselves that we don't even know we have.

    Come on. Life is for living. Don't waste a precious soul like yours.....start slow, don't pack too much into your day. Relax, sleep if you need to sleep, eat something good and healthy, think about good positive things. I know you've probably heard this over and over but think about things that make you smile, whether its a flower or an animal or your family or if you can draw or if you can dance or a favourite song.

    Be nice to yourself. Do something nice for yourself. We have to be friends with ourselves. Imagine someone you love......someone special in your life right do you treat them? Don't you treat them with respect and love and kindness because they are special to you? Now think about yourself, treat yourself with the same love and respect and kindness as you would someone else.

    Come on my friend, I know life is hard, but you are here for a purpose, you have to believe that so much. Try and change what you are thinking of. Try and be positive, try right this minute, be nice to yourself.  

  13. dont do it talk to someone that u really love or a counselor

  14. This is a question only you can answer. You shouldn't let anyone else decide for you. I can tell you that I think it's wrong, and hating yourself can always change, while killing yourself can't.

  15. When things are that bad that you are absolutely at rock bottom  -  the only way is up.  Hang in there.  You can make things better, starting now with small things.

  16. No. Always no. Life can be so much better if you let it. Get some help. Die happy, at an old age, having lived a fulfilled life. You will, but get help.

  17. If you mean suicide, the answer is no. there is no future in it.

  18. I feel your pain.  I've often had those kinds of thoughts.  Not necessarily that I hate myself, but that life has no meaning.  I have children, though, so the thought of how that would affect them has kept me from actually doing the deed.

    So . . . I would say, No.  It's not a good idea.  Though your self-loathing may be overpowering at the moment, it is not a permanent state of being.  Death is.

    My thoughts are with you!


  19. follow your heart

    icanjump, where will you jump?

  20. yea do it

    balls out

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