
Should I consider suing Yahoo Answers?

by  |  earlier

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When I asked a question about "why do we wage war" it was placed under a g*y,Bi, Trans,etc.,subject.I have never been more offended.




  1. its up to you where your question goes..if you notice when you ask the question you select where it goes...and computer mistakes happen all the time...what would your grounds for a lawsuit be? that u were offended? thats not a reason to sue

  2. No, you cannot sue for being offended

  3. If you're considering bringing a trivial case before a court of law for offense, you'll have to sue me, too. I haven't laughed this hard all day.

  4. You must have entered a key word that triggered those suggestions. You can't really accuse a computer of being disrespectful to g**s...

  5. You are the one who selected where to place your question, not Yahoo. Better read the Community Guidelines before you waste money on an attorney. You agreed to all the rules when you joined, even if you don't like them.

  6. You're a moron.  Don't sue.  God I HATE people who are sue happy!

  7. YOU are the one who places your question in the category, also YOU could be sued for discrimination. I wouldnt say anything else about being offended by it being put in that category. You might make people mad and you could get sued.

  8. well,I guess you could sue anybody you want. but winning is an entirely different story.

  9. no

  10. Read the Yahoo Terms of Service.  This type of lawsuit is what you would call a frivolous lawsuit and the judge would hit you with a big fine for filing something like that.

  11. What is it exactly are you sueing Y/A for?

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