
Should I contact my horse's vet?

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When I went to see my horse today, I was immediately surprised to see that the area directly above his right eye was really swollen! Like a ton! I got really scared at first and thought it might be infected, but when i inspected it more closely, i saw that his eye was completely clear, wasn't dripping or watering at all, and did not seem to be distressing or painful to him; he kept it open just as much as his other one. So why his eye was swollen puzzled me. My friend said that he probably just banged it on the fence and it wasn't anything to worry about. Thus I have not called my vet or anyone else. Do you think I should? If not, should i give any special attention to it?

And he's wearing a special fly mask that has eye pockets that poke out extra, so that definately won't bother him :) .




  1. i would wait for a few days, if it gets worse then call the vet out.

    Hope this helps

  2. Its more then likely a bug bite anything from a spider, bee to a wasp and because a horse is so big the swelling is local and doesn't effect the rest of the body. if your horse is running a temp over 101 then I would call a vet but if the horse isn't running a temp then your horse will be fine its not an infection.  

  3. If it hasn't gone down significantly (almost can't see swelling) by tomorrow, call the vet.  Fractures, etc. occur in this location, and minor insect reactions or minor bruises don't typically stay swollen to this degree over 24 hours.Don't attempt to treat it until you talk to the vet.

  4. I wouldn't go to the vet as that can cost alot and it could be nothing. I'd go to an experienced horse person (as in, extremely experienced, because you seem experienced yourself and don't know). I go to my friend, a vet tech who lives near me, and she will always give me advice. Also you could wait for a few days and see if it gets worse. If so then yes, its always worth the money to take the horse to the vet.

    When you press on it does your horse show signs of distress? Is the fur at all gone from the area? Does it look at all like a bruise or just swelling?

  5. I agree with the others, give it a day or two before you worry.  Could he have been stung by something?  My horse gets HUGE swollen spots when he gets stung, but it goes down in 24 hours or so, and he doesn't seem bothered by it.  

  6. If it's not down by tomorrow, then yes I would contact my vet. My suspicions would be that he hit it in some way, but the fact that there are no skin breaks or scratches is what worries me. There is always a possibility that there is something deeper, which the vet will of course have insight on. The most important thing though, is to go with your gut. YOU know your horse better than your friend and your vet.

    good luck, I hope it is nothing too serious!!

  7. My horse had the same thing not that long ago, i had the vet out twice and my horse cut his eye ball on barbwire and he had a conrea ulcar, but the thing is that it could be a grass seed in his eye and they can go blind from that and ulcars, eye's are to delicate so dont mess around call the vet, if you want you should go on to and type in conrea ulcars and have a look what they can do to your horses eye but still call the vet straight away.

  8. Wait it out for a few days, if the swelling doesn't go down or gets worse then I think you should call a vet.

  9. I had something similar happen to my horses eye.  It was extremely swollen, but like with you horse no discharge.  I called the vet and he asked me a bunch of question. The ones i can remember were was there discharge,  is it effecting his vision which it wasn't,  is he acting normal for him,and did it seem to be causing him pain. Sorry i don't remember the rest, but it was no to all of them.  But the vet said it was probably just a bug bite , just to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get any worse.  It go way by the next day.  

    My advise is to call your vet, hopefully you have a good relationship were he will talk to you over the phone like mine.  Go through the questions with him just to be on the safe side.  

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