When kindergarten began, I parked my car at school and walked my son to his class for a month. Next 2 months I drove to the 'drop off circle' in front and he would get out, wave and go in; After that there was a boy in his class who was not being nice to my son and this caused major anxiety for him, tears before school, didn't want to go to school, etc. That’s been resolved with the help of the teacher, school counselor and the boys play fine now. But during this time, during those tearful mornings I began parking and walking him to his class again, to ease some of his stress. Now, he only wants me to walk him in and not drop off. If I do drop off it either ends in him crying or him walking in slow and sad. I am struggling with this because he was building independence from me for a couple of months and now it seems he’s regressed. If I go back to walking him in am I supporting this regression –not helping him grow or am I supporting my son’s needs and emotions by being there for him?