
Should I counter with rants for McCain when I hear CNN spewing out pro-Obama sentiments?

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I know Fox is pro-McCain but they have nutz like O'Reilly that is too far over the top. I could just tell the real news, the truth! You know, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I will need a slogan.




  1. Why do you watch CNN then?  I stopped when they kept lying about what was going on in Iraq.

    Same thing till lately with CBC and a few other stations they have started to show both sides of what is going on in Iraq.

    Yes Fox was the first to show both sides and to a small point they are leaning towards Senator McCain.

  2. If ranting for McCain makes you happy, you have a lot of company in this forum and most of them are not even old enough to vote!  If you're looking for intellectual reporting on Fox, you must be disappointed because they are not familiar with the truth.  But, rant if you need to!

  3. May I say for one thing, Obama is an huge idiot.

    And for another:

    Fox is really good, but yes, O'Reilly can be over the top sometimes. If you don't like The O'Reilly Factor, here's the solution: Don't watch his segment. Not that hard.

    And CNN is full of a bunch of bleeding heart liberals. Don't listen to their pro-Obama sentiments or their anti-McCain. Vote smart and go for McCain. Obama is just an idiot and will kill this country even more.

  4. there are no truths only interpretations.......


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