
Should I cry about this?

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Everything is so messed up in my life, today was my birthday; supposed to be the best day ever. Sweet 16, but now my mom's mad at something I said-giving me the cold shoulder, and my best friend that was supposed to come to the water park with me tomorrow is having her period/cramps.

Please, just help me please :(




  1. Aw I'm sorry

    Happy birthday

  2. honey you have to find something that will make you happy all the time, like a hobby, your passion. people can always let you down, so you have to rely on your own sources of happiness first. then other good stuff will come. my experience.

    oh and happy birthday & lots of hugs

  3. Come on chick lighten up - Its your birthday!!!!

    How about inviting some mates over for a girly sleepover? You can never go wrong with that, It'll take your mind off things AND you'll have a great time! Go to the water park some other time too - it's not going anywhere!..x

    Happy Birthday sweetie!..x :-)

  4. yes that is perfectly normal to cry about :) But you need to relaz and chill and have some fun!

    I'm 16 and well what can I say, in general terms girls are more into making there birthdays a special moment than boys. just try and relax  and enjoy your day. you could always just go out for a nice meal instead! like a chinese pizza ect.. without your mum! what's stopping you, you are old enough now! and then of course you can go out to the water park another time.

    maybe try and sort your differences with your mum before doing so.  have fun and take care :)

    oh and happy birthday!

  5. Harden the f*ck up.

  6. Go ahead and cry, let it out. Then move on and enjoy your Birthday.

    Happy Sweet 16 Good Luck

  7. Save it for another day and just stay home and have fun i mean its only a birthday not a big deal get some videos and watch some movies with ure family or invite some one over have a drink or something and save the plans for another day =] happy birthday!!! =] =] Smile no crying!!

  8. expectations, not your friends/family are ruining the day for you. put things in perspective. if you look at it as just a day, and not so dramatic, you might be able to have some fun.

  9. no need to cry like a baby

    just go to sm mandir church and

    party wid ur mom (bring smm cake for ur self n njoy)

  10. No i wouldn't i mean crying isn't going to do anything. It's not gonna stop her period or stop your mom being mad.

    Happy birthday.

    But you'll have more birthdays to come, just suck it up and move on with life. theres nothin to sweat about it..

  11. u could

  12. Don't cry........Apologise to your mom & postpone your trip until your friend feels better....Other than that your BD will be what you make of it....don't depend on others to put a smile on your face.....You can do it!!!

    And if those are the only two things upsetting you....your life is pretty good....

    Every birthday is not always what we expect, but crying about it is childish.....and at 16 you are almost an give it a try.....

    Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  13. that sucks come on you gotta have a d**n sweet 16 confront ur mom you could go some other day to the water park


    dont cry hunni

    go with ur friend another time, the water park will still be there! :)


  15. aww that totally stinks. i would cry. well you can go to the water park another day even if it's not your birthday :)  

  16. yeah. its okay to cry about things that hurt you. my mom always does **** like that to me on my birthday or any event.

    just relax and dont focus too much on it. just think positive. its not the worst thin in the world and things will get better. just plan to do something later on during the week.  

  17. Happy birthday sweetheart.

    I know how you feel..

    One of my best friends who was 18 died in a car crash the day before my sixteenth birthday!

    Only a couple of months ago.. things will get better..


  18. It's just a birthday. You'll live to see tomorrow.

  19. yeah you should cry...

    feelin sorry for ya right now :(

    but heads up if it is drastic, just wait until your 21sty birthday!!

    It is superior.

  20. Just tell everyone you are reassigning your birthday to next week!

    Why not!?!?!

    Everyone has this happen sometimes . . .  

  21. hello there  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Âº

    first of all,happy birthday!

    crying is not a bad may cry about it but don't waste your tears.i suggest you make up with your may still make the day right by making everything in your day correct.correct your mistakes this day and you can still save your day.

    it's your birthday,after all.birhtdays are made to make some one happy even for once a year.don't ruin the chance.face the problem straight up!

    wishing you good luck and happy birth day.may you have more birth days to come!

    have a nice day!  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Â¼

  22. hello and happy birthday. . .sorry to hear about this ....i kinda had something along these lines happen 2 me 2......your not the only one....if u feel u need to cry its always best to let it out.....but rember its not going to give u a  better should take a deep breath and say 2morrow is another day because its not always supposed to be the best life.......dont take it to serious we dont get out alive anyway! and again happy birthday !  

  23. It's ok to be upset about that. Everyone forgot my 9th birthday and i was so sad too. Maybe you should try make up with your mum? I don't know the situation but making the first move could make your mum be cool. As for your friend, she can't help it if she has cramps but still, it is dissapointing.

    I hope everything works out ok for you. Maybe your 17th birthday will be a blast for you.

  24. sure it is ok to cry... don't worry about your mom... moms r stupid and moody.. maby it is menopause?? haha... my mom is going thru that. that is too bad ur best friend cant go to the water park! u should invite someone else. its ok to cry tho (:

  25. happy birthday.

  26. Trust me, whatever you are feeling, express it. Even if it is just to have a cry. I've bottled things up my whole life, and at 19, I'm paying for it now...

  27. bee Happy!! =D

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