
Should I cut my hair? ?

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Hey alright we'll ive been thinking of cutting my hair, because its getting long and annoying. What hair style do you think I should get?




  1. honestly you could cut it if you really want to but i think it looks really good like that if i was you i would just keep it.

  2. ur hair looks gorgeous! dont cut it. maybe a trim or a tiny bit shorter.  

  3. h**l naw you look s**y

    like the girl from secret teenage thing on abc family but better

    dont cut it

  4. i think it looks cute but if u really dont like it then you should cut it about 4-6 inches..

  5. I like it, your really pretty

  6. Your picture hurt my neck =P

    But, in all seriousness, your hair looks fine.

  7. You'd be hot, with a mohawk

    Try it.. lol

  8. it looks fab dont cut it

  9. leave it..its pretty on u

    if you really want to cut it then just get a trim

  10. no i think you look great.

  11. DON'T cut it, it looks amazing.

  12. The one that Simple Jack Has.

  13. I think you should keep it

    it adds to you a wow ;) I like it

  14. i think it looks good

  15. I think you look bomb with ur hair like that.

    Whatever you do, dont cut it short like everyother girl I kno.

    It makes them all look like dikes, no offense lol.

  16. Dang your pretty girl :)

    and get layers :)

    you would awesome<3

    like this girls.

  17. maybe a trim, cus your hair is nice! but i prefer medium hair cus it's a little more easier to tame.

    btw what do you edit your pics with?

  18. yes, and it would look really good at about an inch below your shoulder, with a lot of layers, choppy looking, it would make you  look more fierce than you already are

  19. Only cut 6 inches off

  20. keep your hair it looks good

  21. God no, nuthin sexier than long brown hair, I understand that it is a pain to ake care of, but wow it looks good!!

  22. Maybe just a trim 'cause it's long & guys love long hair .

  23. trim it a bit

  24. Don't cut your hair, it looks reeeeally pretty  

  25. it looks pretty but its fun t switch it up.. i think you should cut it to just above the shoulder.. you want a big enough change, but nothing drastic.. and then maybe do longer pieces in the front and shorter in the back, like a less dramatic victoria beckham or rihanna..

  26. you're so pretty : ) maybe just trim it;

  27. no, ur hair is really pretty it looks good that length

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