
Should I cut off contact with my best friend?

by Guest21335  |  earlier

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My closest friend says he is in love with me, I've told him I just want to be friends. He says he is okay with that as long as he doesn't lose me as a friend. I know he's very scared of being left by anyone. My friends and family say I should cut off all contact with him because they think I'm giving him mixed messages about how I feel when we meet up. I don't want to lose him but I don't want to lead him on either. Should I stay friends with him or cut off all contact?




  1. Stay friends, dont let his feelings ruin it. He WILL get over the crush and it just seems so stupid to cut contact when you have a great friendship with him. You have to just make it clear that your relationship is platonic, and in no way romantic. Talk to him if you have to, make it clear that you just wanna be how you have always been, best friends. Good luck!

  2. just tell him straight forward that u are ONLY friends.  if he doesnt get that then u need to be patient with him and if u have to break his heart, do it.  he'll learn

  3. cutting contact is rash and harsh. I'd suggest just making sure the message is clear -- just in case you give him the wrong lead in the future. Talk with him, asking if the message is clear enough or not. Tell him any signals arent meant to be. Make sure he understands. You guys can still be friends! There's nothing wrong with that.

  4. What kind of friend are you to even consider dropping your best friend.  I've had a lot of male friends and know that we were friends only because I didn't want the relationship to go any further.  I was always very clear about where I stood and most, at some time or other, asked about a more serious relationship.  I was flattered but sometimes some people are best as friends.  I was glad they thought enough of me to continue the friendship and move one in other directions for their other relationships.  They are very special to me. I don't see the difference with your friend.

  5. This same thing happened to me. As long as you have been clear that all you want is friendship, then go ahead and stay friends with him. It might be hard for him, but he obviously values your friendship and doesn't want to lose that. It might be uncomfortable at first, but try to act the same as always. If down the road it becomes to painful, he may start to pull back, but you should leave that decision up to him. Good luck!

  6. why would you wanna cut off all contact??maybe you really do have feelings for him then, if it's such a problem being friends with him anyway..

  7. thats tough, i think you give him some time to think it over maybe you should talk to him online not in person then, after a few days call him up and grab a bite to eat @ a coffe or sub shop then give him a hug

    staying good friends is a hard thing but i think ittle work out =)

  8. Definitely don'y cut off contact. Losing him as a friend would be way worse than him being in love with you. Plus, if he says he is ok being just friends then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. My best friend was in this same situation and she is still friends with the guy that liked her. There is nothing you can really do about him liking you so I would just take it as a compliment. Just be there for him like he is there for you.

  9. just  tell him u don't like him that way but you want to be friends....u shouldn't cut off ur friendship because u will regret!!! i should no.

  10. stay friends.i mean just tell him how you feel about him.. about how your just friends.let him know where you and him stand.i wouldnt cut off contact tho.he really needs you.dont leave him like that because you dont know how to deal with the fact he loves you.  

  11. Just make it very clear that you want to be friends. I wouldn't cut all contact off. That would just be very mean.

  12. You should defiantly stay friend with him if you have fun together and like being around each other. Just tell him that you want to stay only friends and nothing more. Don't cut off contact no matter what your family says because then you could regret it and always wonder what happened to him. Just watch what you say and do your best not to flirt or anything like that. Good Luck!

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