
..Should I date a.... guy?

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I'm not 100% sure if I'm a L*****n, and I know a great guy and I think he likes me.. I might have feelings for him too, but I'm not really sure.... Should I try to go out with him? He's still a little vulnerable though because he just broke up with his girlfriend..




  1. If he's vulnerable you should probably wait regardless of whether you like guys or not.  Let him get himself back together and then see if things work out.  You certainly don't want to accidentally heap extra heartache on him if you start going out and then realize you're not into guys after all.  

    For yourself, I'd say give yourself time and feel free to experiment a little.  If you feel drawn to girls, see if there are any you'd like to date.  If you find yourself drawn to a particular guy, give it a try.  Eventually it'll start to seem a little clearer after you see what feels right to you.

  2. Wait a little bit an than deffinetly give it a shot:)

  3. Speak to him about your feelings.

    Make sure you're not going to be "the re-bound girl".

    And be willing to leave if you do realize you are a L*****n.

    Look up pansexuality, that may make more sense for you.

  4. I think that you can fall in love with anyone regardless of their gender. I say try and the worse that will happen is that you won't like him.

  5. I think it's ok if you start with being friendly and hanging out with him and see how you feel with him and see if you think you want a relationship. If you decide you want to go to dating then it's best if you level with him that you are not sure about your sexuality and see if he is ok with that. That's only fair to both him and you.

  6. That depends on how well you get along with him.

  7. I say give it a try, couldn't hurt. But if you find that you two get closer, but your heart isn't in it, be kind and let him go so he can find another.

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