
Should I date a random man with the goal of finally getting pregnant??

by  |  earlier

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I am in my 30's and the clock is ticking. I don't even have a boyfriend and don't want to remain childless. How can I go about getting pregnant (for free, can't afford the pricey treatments insurance doesn't cover, I don't even think I have any fertility problems, both my sisters have children and I'm very healthy). Should I just start dating a guy and then have unprotected s*x? Fill me in girls.




  1. Ok, that's just very very selfish.  Sure, you will get the child you want but that child will grow up without a father!  Do you think your child will thank you for that later in life when he or she finds out that they have no dad because of what you did?  

  2. ONLY if you are willing to raise this baby on your own and go through the pregnancy alone. which i think is personally very difficult. But people do it everyday :) If you want! Im with you! good luck. Choose a good donor!

  3. Do you want a child so bad that your willing to shack up with anyone? only to have to leave it in day care to be raised? Not a good thing in my opinion. To many children need loving homes whats wrong with that?

  4. your plan sounds dangerous, you know how many std's are out there, I know you want a child but, what price are you willing to pay? Please be careful who you date!!!  

  5. You clock has plenty of time still.  Many women in their early, mid, and late 30's have children.  Women in their 40's even have children.

    You never know what could happen in the next few months or few years.  You may meet that special someone and have plenty of time to start a family.

    I wouldn't suggest just randomly "picking just any ole one" to father a child.  You should know the person and love them.  You should want to share it with the person you love.  I know there are a lot of single parents who do just fine raising a child.  But in an ideal world, I think it's better to have both loving parents in the child's life.

    You're still young, even if you may think your time is running out.  Believe me, you have time.  Find that "someone" and make a baby out of love and live long happy lives together.

  6. Girl, I have had that thought as well.  You're not alone.  My mom even said to me "can't you just get pregnant?"  LOL

    Well, I wouldn't recommend just dating a random guy.  I mean, you never know who they could be later.  Should he find out you're pregnant, things could get ugly with visitation rights, etc, and then you have this "random" guy in your life for a very long time.  Also, you don't know what kinds of STDs you could be putting yourself at risk of by having unprotected s*x with someone you don't really know.  

    The best advice I can give you is this...take a piece of paper and make a "pros" & "cons" column.  Write them down and write them honestly and take it seriously.  Sometimes it helps to have everything on paper to just see it better.  That always helps me with big decisions.    

    Wishing the best of luck in life :)

  7. Um, if you would hook up with random guys and use no protection, you could get all sorts of STDs. That's like playing Russian Roulette!

    I think that you should wait.  

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