
Should I date her or forget about it?

by Guest56980  |  earlier

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I met this girl at a party. She's 23 and I'm 18. Well okay I didn't really meet her but we saw eachother. It wasn't like a drinking party it was like one of those you gotta dress up parties with all the professional people. Anyway she turned out to be my new Calculus teacher. She was like I saw you at the party and I was like yea I saw you too and I smiled and she says "You are so cute" I was a little confused and then she smiles and says well you better get to your next class. Then she was like see you later. So the next day I got into an argument with a friend and I was crying. Then she hugged me and gave me her number and said to call her if I wanted to talk. Well I called and she like asked me to the movies. So we went. Well anyway I really like her but she's my teacher. It wouldn't be illegal or anything. I can't stop thinking about her and I know she likes me too because she told me. Should we date?




  1. i dont know why but that is so hot haha anyway your going to be having a fun class just wait till you get out of her class to start dating her think of her as a friend tutoring you dont think of her like a teacher you should date her just go do little things like movies and walks just hanging out i think she will get th point that your waiting to get out of her class to start dating her

  2. I would keep it casual until she is no longer your teacher. She'll understand.

    Also keep in mind that she may just be friendly, you shouldn't read too much into it unless she does something.

  3. If you like to date her, drop your Calc class and add a new Calc class in your schedule immediately! If you wait you'll end up with a "W" on your record!

  4. I'm impressed that you have a 23-year-old calculus teacher; my math teachers were all over 80.

    To answer your question: It's not so much that you shouldn't date HER, it more about her not dating YOU. It is extremely unethical for a teacher to date a student no matter what the ages may be. (That means hands off the Ph.D. candidates, Professor!)

    She should know this.

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