
Should I de-claw my Cat ? He keeps turning round and scratching my naked Thighs.?

by  |  earlier

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And that only puts me off my stroke...........




  1. no that is so mean cats are suppose to have claws you have to teach them not to use them on you  

  2. Flash your p***s at it and put it off it for life.

    Wasted on the Americans, and a classic.

    I'm sure many had a heart attack.

  3. If you go to a good pet shop you should be able to buy a pair of clipper to enable you to clip the sharp point off the cats claws. They have a stop fitted to the clippers to prevent you cutting into the quick which makes the claw bleed and is very painful

  4. No don't dewclaw your cat. it is inhumane to do so. its like taking part of your finger off and it can be really painful for them. they can stop using the litter box because its painful and they can become really moody. try using those soft paws for cats. or try buying him a scratching post.

  5. well yes. it can be pricey.

  6. lol...

    i keep scratching my hubby but he hasn't de clawed me yet

  7. If you search for questions about declawing, you will find a lot of answers and a lot of people saying not to.  I happen to agree.  You should be able to train your cat not to claw on the things he wants to claw on, and to use what you give him.

    It is a cat's natural instincts to claw on things- they mark their territory with this, stretch their tendons and also shed loose claw coverings.  It's a healthy, natural thing for them.

    To help minimize damage to your legs and your furniture, try the following:

    1) Learn how to trim his claws.  This is easy and inexpensive.  A trimmer should cost around $5.00 (here in the US ) and your vet can show you how to do it.  Google it and learn about avoiding the "quick", the soft blood vessel part of the claw- once you cut that, he will bleed all over the place and you'll never get to him again.  BUT, I trim all three of my cats and have for years and have NEVER cut the quick.

    2) Give him something to claw on.  He HAS to claw on something, so you should provide something for him.  A scratching post is good, but you have to make sure it is tall enough, or long enough.  A cat likes to stretch out to their full length, so if you get a post that stands up, make sure it's tall.  Another great thing that my boys love, is the corrugated cardboard scratchers.  My one cat scratches on that every time I walk in the door.  I have a few laying on the floor and he can stretch and scratch 'til the cows come home.

    3) As other people have said, when he scratches what you DON'T want him to scratch, spray him with some water from a spray bottle.

  8. no dont declaw him, thats mean. get him a scratching post or whenever he scratches you, spray him with water

  9. I wouldn't reccomend it. It hurts them and they might pee on your belongings to show their discomfort. I go to the vet and order claw covers. They are rounded tips that allow them to feel like they have claws without them being able to do damage. Plus that; they naturally shed off after 8 weeks. Then; if you happened to have a fire or something and your cats got out; You're cats would be able to have claws and they would have defense and could climb trees to avoid stray dogs. That's what i do and my cats are great so that's what i reccommend.

    But you can de-claw them if you like


  10. use a special spray found at most petcos or petmarts

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