I'm 24 and a student. I will be a student 5 or 6 more years (grad school).
My mom ran up a whole lot of money in my past and because of that I already have bad credit. That amount is about $2000.
I took out credit cards in a bad time in my life and ran up two $500 balances, then stopped paying them because I couldn't afford to.
Now the credit card company is suing me for $2400 plus lawyers fees and court costs.
I could pay it if it were just the $2400, but with the lawyer fees it will probably be much, much more.
I have tried and tried to work out a payment plan with them, but they are just giving me the run around and not sending me any paperwork. They also said they will not drop the case.
I make $400 a month and that won't be increasing much any time soon.
Should I declare bankruptcy?