
Should I dig in her purse and take the Crystal Meth?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend is on Crystal Meth and its making our lives miserable. When I suspected that she was on it a while back, I went through her purse and found it in there, so I took it, flushed it down the toilet and told her to quit, this sent her on a rage. Now it's been a couple months later and this morning while getting my wallet out of her purse I found more crystal meth in there. This time though I did not take it, I left it there and am wondering what I should do. I will confront her about it and give her an ultimatum but should I go ahead and take it from her purse before? or just leave it there and talk to her about it?




  1. why are you wasting your time with a meth addict. give her an ultimatum to get clean or get out. If she refuses, walk. Life is too short to waste it on a druggie. You are sure to eventually get busted with her, for possession because sooner or later you will have it in hand when the cops show up. Or if you stay with her and knock her up, you will have a drug addicted baby. Get the h**l away from her as fast as you can.  

  2. Looks like she may need a reality check. I would go ahead and contact the local authorities and have her sent to jail for the felony charge. Is its her first time, she'll be out on parole and would need to take classes hopefully helping her out. You have tried being nice so you may want to try this if you really care for her. If you don't care for her...find someone else who is clean.  

  3. Always get rid of the substance, have an intervention, send her to rehab.  Problem is meth is one of the hardest substances to stop using so good luck and be looking for the exit.

  4. Sounds like your pretty level-headed. She doesn't want the help your trying to give her, so give her an ultimatum and stick to it. Tell her to straighten up her act or your hitting the road. Don't continue enabling her, and her addictions. She needs professional help, ASAP. Good Luck.

  5. Leave her before you both get busted..

  6. "getting my wallet out of her purse"

    You are absolutely clueless on this, aren't you? Ditch. Her. Now.

  7. You should just move on and choose someone who isnt going to drag you down and ruin your life and everyone around you

  8. Get a new girlfriend.  

  9. yes steal it and mail it to me!

  10. Yes, give her an ultamatum.  She goes to rehab, or you walk.  Period.  No negotiations.  And stick to what you say, or else she will know that she can manipulate you.  Easier said than done, believe me, I know.  I have a good friend on drugs.  Best of luck to you.

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