
Should I discuss my p***s-size concerns with my wife?

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I've done a lot of research, and it seems like the average size for an erect p***s is 6 to 6.5 inches. I've always been self-conscious because I'm just a hair over 4 inches fully erect. Despite that, my wife and I have a great s*x life. I satisfy her in a lot of ways. We've been married 10 years and have two kids, yet we still have s*x probably three times a week. She seems happy sexually, but lately I've been thinking more and more about this small tool I've been given, and I think I might actually be getting depressed. I look at all these charts, and I am in like the lowest 1 percent of all guys when it comes to p***s size. That is a CRAPPY feeling. I've always felt inadequate, and now it's getting worse since I walk around all the time thinking, 99 out of 100 guys have a bigger one than me. My wife has never said anything about my small size, so I'm worried that if I bring it up and tell her it's getting me depressed, then she might start thinking about it more. I worry about my wife eventually starting to think she'd like to go back to doing it with a guy who is packing more length and girth than me. There's no way the guys before me could have been this small.




  1. The old saying that it's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean is true. My 1st husband was in that 1% group and was great in bed. I wouldn't discuss it with your wife. If the s*x is great enjoy life and quit worrying about it. BTW, the size of the ship had nothing to do with my divorce. As I said, he was great in bed.

  2. If you want too. But she's with you for a reason....cause she loves you!! She probably love you for who you are so don't worried too much okay. When you're a great guy with a great personality who is kind, caring, trustable, loving, faithful, honest, loyal, a man of equality, fairness, just, and who is sweet, what's down there doesn't even matters anymore, all we see is you, that you are a great man and  that is what attract us to you!! Maby that's too much. Let's just say a great man!!! ;)

    I hate men who have it big down there, alot of them are mean and they are cocky and thinks they are all that. When there is love, nothing else matters babe. So keep your head up and be happy that there is someone that loves you!!!!!!! That's all that matters.

  3. There's no need.  She know what your size is.  I guess if you want to mention it to her if you need her reassurance that she's okay with it, then I guess go ahead.  If she's letting you have that much s*x with her after ten years she must be happy with you.

  4. Dude, she loves you and probably won;t care and will surprise you with how supportive she is when you tell her you are having an issue.

    You may want to consult your GP though and ask them if there is someone who can couch you on how to bring this up in a way to help maximize a healthy supportive outcome.

    Good luck man.

  5. Yes you should.  Most likely you will find an answer much different than you are expecting.  People need to work these things out and especially with their spouses.  No need to suffer in silence, in fact no need to suffer over that at all.

  6. you should discuss everything with her.

  7. She's never mentioned it to you, doesn't mean that she doesn't notice and most women realize that size is a sensitive issue for men so it's not likely she would say anything.  With that being said, she has been with you for 10 years, you have a great s*x life, you're both satisfied - it obviously has not been a big deal to her.  Now, how it is affecting you - it may make you feel better to just get  out about how it has caused you to feel, more for the sake of allowing you to get it out of your mind a bit and not dwell on it - she's been with you for 10+ years - just because you talk to her about it isn't going to make her think about it more - she knows.  Maybe it will be a chance to talk about other things that you two can do to spice up s*x life - "toys" could be a good way to liven things up and relieve some of the worry about her wanting someone bigger.

  8. Dude - you are not the only one with a p***s this size.  Me too, and my wife of 3 years has no problems with it.  She loves it...  she's more self-concious about her own appearence, which I love by the way.  And you said it - you have great s*x.  SO WHO CARES??????  She doesn't!  She obviously loves it.  p***s size is a bunch of bullsh!t invented by people who have inferiority complexes.  Get over it and enjoy your s*x life.  And if your wife was really shallow enough to give up her love (and 10 years!) with you to go for some dude with package, then she's crazy.

  9. I'm not telling you to be dishonest here but really If you say something about your size to her, it may make your sexlife a little uncomfortable. She is going to be worrying about upseting you more, and your gonna be worrying she thinks its even smaller now that youve said something. Why would you make waves in a calm pool of water? Know what I mean?

  10. umm, i've heard that there are these exercises that a man can do by stroking his p***s after he gets out of a hot shower to correct curvature and improve gerth & muscle. My ex had problems and did these exercises which improved his gerth. After a hot shower for a half an hour everyday he massaged and pulled and stroked his p***s which corrected his p***s.It looked like it hurt but he said that it didn't.

  11. You should talk to your wife about how you are feeling and tell her that it really bothers you. If she is still with you after ten years of marriage the size of your p***s isn't an issue with her. You said you have s*x three times a week? That is more than most people are getting so I really don't think that their is a problem.

  12. I believe you are on your way to solving your issue because you recognize it is you with the problem.  You are blessed to be in a relationship with your wife for 10 years; a relationship you admittedly state the intimacy is great.  Talk to your wife about your concerns and allow her to confirm the great s*x and disspell your issue of having a small p***s.  Best wishes!!!

  13. First and f****** I mean foremost *s* , STOP looking at charts and doing research and all that c**p!!  Who cares what 99 out of a 100 guys are packin', they are not married to your wife and your wife has not mentioned feeling deprived, sad, unsatisfied, or less willing to be with you sexually because of the size of your johnny.  If size mattered to her, she would have said something by now or made it known that she wasn't happy.  

    It's never good to compare yourself to anyone else because nobody can measure up (pun intended) to YOU.  You have the heart of the woman you love which is more than a lot of 12 inchers out there can boast.  Be happy and content with who you are and what you've got and don't give yourself the shaft (sorry, I couldn't resist) based on outside information that is of no consequence to your loving, giving relationship.

  14. If you are unable to arouse your wife sexualy then p***s size - big or small - won't help you.

    Yes you should discuss it with your wife but there are a number of other factors like the methods that you use or don't use to stimulate your wife to o****m.

    Yes you can get penile enlargement if you are really desperate but you should also consider your own psycological issues of inadequacy that you appear to be feeling as well as asking your wife how she likes to be stimulated during fore play.

  15. Buddy, she loves you for who you are. Be thankful for that and be happy with your p***s becuase it makes HER happy. I bet if you confronted her she would tell you how much she loves it becuase she LOVES YOU.

  16. I don't think bringing the subject up will make her think anymore into it than she already has. It's no secret how big your p***s is, so bringing it up won't make it look any smaller to her.

    As long as she is satisfied with your s*x life, don't worry about it. Clearly she doesn't have a problem with it and trust me, if you all are having s*x that often, you're MUCH luckier than many guys who are packing 9 inches.

    You're in love, you're married, you have a great s*x life, and you must use your goods well. You should be proud, not insecure. Give yourself a pat on the back stud.

  17. while the size of the p***s does make a difference, you should not be talking about it, let alone be saddened and complain about the size.

    that's why god gave you fingers and hands and a tongue.

    stop complaining and start doing.

    be the best 4 incher in the world.

    and if your hands, fingers and tongue are not enough.

    let me recommend the following.

    the pocket rocket







    and a 3 foot metro sexual midget with a feather

  18. She married you didn't she? You must be doing something right and by something, that does not always mean just s*x.

    I will say it again. There are much more important things in a relationship besides s*x.

    You are fine and you sound like you are very sensitive to her sexual needs.

    If you really need to tell her about how you are feeling, then tell her. She is your partner and that's what we are here for each other for.

    Good luck

  19. Your wife seems happy.  I am sorry that you feel inadequate.  Honestly, to me, size does not matter.  s*x is not about that! I hope you and your wife have a deeper relationship than just physical.  If so, than there is no need to worry.  I think that if you want to talk to her you can, but it is not a big deal.  Really. p***s size obsession is over-rated.  (I o****m more often without penetration than with....) It is all in your connection with your spouse not the size of your p***s

  20. yeah u should talk to your wife man.  

  21. No.

    This has nothing to do with her.

    This is an issue of low self esteem you have wrapped around your p***s.

    Fix your low self esteem!

  22. I think you are creating a problem where none exists.  And I also think you are being a little bit unfair to your wife to say you "worry about my wife eventually starting to think she'd like to go back to doing it with a guy who is packing more length and girth" ...that makes her look shallow and superficial.  She's been with you for ten years and I'm sure by now she's noticed the size!!!!  If she was that sort of woman, she'd have left a long time go apologize to her!

    Maybe you should get some counselling and deal with this or you're going to make this into a huge mess.  Insecurity in a man is a big turn off for most women.

  23. you like large p***s? i dont follow you there

  24. Jeez. What if she came to you and said, "Honey, I've been looking at pictures of vaginas, and I don't see any of them like mine. So apparently, I'm in a very small percentage or women with sort of non-standard vaginas, and I'm depressed about it." What would you do? h**l, you'd kiss it and make it better.

    Remember. She didn't laugh, giggle, gasp, roll her eyes, or even smirk the first time you put ole J.J. into action. Might even be you're the first guy she could go all out with without hurting. The ancient Indians (the eastern ones - I have no idea how the American ones felt) recognized that there were different match-ups. They though a good match was important.Even then they weren't quite correct, but they really, really liked to write about such things.

    A couple of things to think about. Any number of women will tell you about the "big" guys who thought size was enough and expected them to swoon just at the sight of it and that anything they did with it should knock the women out.  They have a name for these big guys - jerks. Some others would say, "That would be great. I wouldn't gag."And somewhere, there's a guy thinking, "Four inches? I'd kill for four inches." And there's another guy thinking, "Shoot. I'd be happy with his four inches, if mine just worked."  

  25. You should be happy with what you have.

    However if you really feel the need to increase your p***s size,then you should try out these :

    Here are four good natural p***s enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch or two to your p***s in six weeks.

    1. p***s stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid p***s and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

    2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your p***s halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your p***s as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

    3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your p***s the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your p***s shaft should swell and your p***s head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

    Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your p***s up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

    4. A larger p***s can be achieved with the use of p***s enhancers. There are many forms of p***s enhancement products such as pills, patches and topical oils. However, one unique product that can produce significant results and makes use of the body's natural abilities comes in the form of a liquid called super-vir

    Always remember, if you are not satisfied with what you were born with, it is never too late to do something about it!

  26. s*x isn't everything in a relationship, so she obviously wouldn't

    leave you because your p***s is small.

    Also, if she's enjoying the s*x, then there's no problem. Besides, men who have too large of p***s often hurt the girl instead of making

    her feel good.

  27. Yes, if you really feel that strongly about it. I'm sure she doesn't think anything of it. Believe it or not size doesn't matter to women, well most women anyways. It's all about how well you use it. I think it's fine, I'm sorry you feel the way you do though. Maybe speak with your Dr. about it?

  28. Yes, tell her about your worries.  They are bothering you and it will eventually become evident to her ,and it may even make her feel you have issues with her.  Be open and honest.  I am very willing to bet your worries are not her worries - if she had issues with your size that would have come up a long time ago, and you likely would not have ever gotten married if it was an issue for her.  s*x is not about size - quality overcomes quantity in my book.  And besides, I came across some research that reported most women could not tell the difference between sizes unless they were extremely large - like to the point of pain.  So speak with your honey, get it out in the open and allow her to reassure you with her words and love.  

    good luck to you!

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