
Should I ditch the website that I'm passionate about?

by  |  earlier

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I currently have two storefront websites. The first one is a "new age" boutique that sells natural bath products, meditation cd's, green living items & the like. I'm quite passionate about this site (I've had it for 4 years) as I feel it represents me. I created another site that sells lingerie through a dropshipper two months ago to supplement the income of my other site & it's taking off quite well. In fact, I'm making more money on the lingerie site! Sales for my new age boutique are in the garbage & I'm considering just keeping the lingerie one. It's easier, since I don't have to stock anything & I don't have to deal with returns as I just direct it to the supplier. However, my passion lies with my original site. What to do????




  1. Can you send us the URL/domain  name of the "new age" boutique so we can review the SEO metatags and offer some helpful tips on advancing the website or improving at least your Net traffic to that website.

  2. no if you like it you should stay

  3. Let's consider each website separately to make it easier:

    Your website that is making profit earns income for you which you can dedicate very little time to.  It makes sense to keep it.  Can I have some pointers? ;)

    Your boutique website has problems with business.  If it were still making a profit, and it would make sense to keep it.  If it were making a loss, I would consider it as a cost to keeping my passion.  Basically, do I get enough enjoyment from running the boutique that I am willing to pay for this enjoyment which would be the cost.

  4. Seems like if you can handle running both I would keep both running.  That way you get to do your passion and not go broke at the same time.

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