
Should I do Ecstasy again? What am I getting myself into? Is it THAT bad for you?

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So I've done Ecstasy twice both times were at parties with friends and they have been the same pills from the same supplier. Ever since doing it those times I've been very skeptical as to doing it a third time. I've done some reading and whatnot and I get mixed info. I'm 18 and am a college student and don't want to just throw away my future, but if I can get pleasure out of something that will make me a tiny bit less happy 20 years down the road then I'm willing to take that risk. Do you guys think it would be safe to do it one last time?




  1. no. because then you might possibly keep saying that over and over.

    well the 3rd time didn't hurt so why not a fourth - so and on and so on.

    i wouldn't do it.  

  2. ive done e before, its baddddd.

    if i were you i would try weed if you need somthing to have fun at those parties.

    and e can really s***w up your future. if you are going to a good college for somthing that you really want to do, dont try it again.

    and DONT give in to peer pressure. ive tried many things i regret because of that.

  3. Coming from a past heavy drug not do x. please. you never know what you are taking. you could be taking coke, heroin, or an assortment of other things mixed in with the MDMA in x. I have taken ecstasy 4 times, and i will never do it again. the last time i took it, i almost ended up in the hospital because of dehydration and i thought i was going to have a heartattack. One of my friends who has tried x, almost died. It is not a drug to be poppin lightly. It is serious. I would not recommend it to anyone. Be careful and good luck with what ever you decide.  

  4. It is bad for you if it's not made correctly. People have been known to die from taking ecstasy, solely because the person who manufactured it made it incorrectly. I'd only take it if I knew the dealer personally. On a side note the day after is horrible.

  5. if you do it 1 more time then you will tell yourself next time oh just 1 more time i think you should stop and get some new friends who don't do drugs at all try to fill that void with something else like a hobby.

    No drug is worth risking your life for it be smart about it.

  6. It depends on the situation.  I tried it once and thought it was lame, and have trouble seeing why anyone would want to do it.  So I would say no, find something better and more productive to do with your time.  Mushrooms are good.

  7. Bad Idea. It is in now way safe. you may not be around to see the after effects. I have done ecstasy 3 times and wish I never had done it. Live and learn I guess.

  8. it burns a random hole in your brain every time you do it

    and if it burns a hole in the right part you could die.

  9. No drug is worth doing.  

  10. Not that I recommend it.. but if you are going to do an illegal drug, don't let it be THAT hard of a drug. Just try some marijuana. It has no known effects and is natural.  

  11. yeah its bad for you. but you shold do it. haha its fun. and if its your last time then its alright.

  12. You know it's bad so stay away from it. Do the same with your so-called friends. You'll only be saying "this is the last one...this is the last one....would you want to be hooked?

    There are far better things in life than drugs.

  13. No, thats not cool. Do your own thing and DON"T be a follower.

    Good Luck

  14. yes, it's VERY bad for you

    no, it's never safe to begin with

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