
Should I do a Masters degree?

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I have a business degree (graduated 4 years ago) and have been running a small online store selling handcrafted items. I have applied what I learnt in school to this business and have been making a reasonable sum of money every month. It is something small though.

Suddenly it hit me that I want to work outside in the internet marketing area. I want to do a Masters degree to gain specialised knowledge in electronic commerce.

I am worried that since I do not have outside work experience, I might be rendered (sort of) useless after I graduate. I will be 30 with no outside work experience. Should I do a Masters degree?




  1. Most business schools require a few years of work experience.  But, some schools will accept you even if you don't have relevant work experience as yourself.  E-Commerce is very narrow.  I would recommend doing an MBA and take a few classes in entreprenuership and e-commerce.  Don't limit yourself with a degree.  Masters or a MBA is highly preferred in the corporate world.  Go for it!  Cheers!

  2. Did you set up the business yourself?  If so then the experience you have gained through setting up and running it should be very useful when applying for jobs after a Masters as you will have real life experience of all aspects of on line commerce.

    Your experience should not be any less thought of than if it had been gained inside someone else's company, especially as it sounds like you have made some success of your company.

    A good way of finding out would be to search for the kind of jobs you would like to apply for after you have gained your Masters and see if they ask specifically for experience in a large company or whether they are just looking for experience.

  3. It depends on who you want to work for.  Some companies would prefer experience over a Masters degree.  From my own experience I have found that its better to get the job and then see if a Masters degree is even needed.  If your company would prefer you to have a Masters degree some companies will even help pay for the cost.

  4. Why not?  It seems that a Masters degree would be very beneficial for you.  Plus having one can obviously not hurt.

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