
Should I do a minor in Anthropology?

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I took an Anthropology class on human evolution and I loved it!!! I found it so interesting! Should I do a minor in Anthro? Besides, learning about evolution, but other things would I learn about? Also, I was telling a friend of mine the things I learned in that class. I told him he shouldn't use the n-word because we all descended from black people (the first modern humans were in Africa)....Does that mean that there is no such thing as race and we are really all African people and some white people evolved white skin to get more vitamin D out of the sun? Will humans evolve more in the future? Llike maybe humans will turn different colors




  1. If you love anthropology, by all means pursue a minor in it. I took Anthro 101 my first semester at college and I decided to get a minor in biological anthropology because I enjoyed it so much. At my school, you can concentrate on one of the different fields of anthropology for your minor (cultural, linguistic, archaeology, biological, or human evolutionary ecology). If you like the human evolution aspect (as do I), then biological anthropology sounds like it would interest you the most. I have taken courses on human evolution, the human skeleton, and human biology. Explore the various classes offered at your college, talk to an adviser in the anthro department, and have fun!

    As for your other questions, race is really only a social category with no underlying biological support. Populations do differ genetically and physically, but there is a continuum of variation in characteristics instead of distinct categories such  as "black" and "white". There is also more variation within a "race" than there is between "races".

    As to the presence of light skin in some populations, yes, the ability to absorb sunlight in order to produce vitamin D in northern climates does seem to be the reason that light skin persisted in those populations. The only way a trait (such as different skin color) evolves is that a genetic mutation occurs that produces some physical or behavioral change that increases the organism's fitness. Then the trait is passed on to offspring. In other words, humans could evolve different colors only if there is first a mutation that produces a different color and if there is some advantage to having that different color.

  2. if you find it interesting then i think you should. i wanted to study forensic anthropology when i'm done with school and it's about 5-10 years. but if you love it why not. anthropology is very interesting i agree with you.

    Merry Christmas

  3. I started out as an Accounting Major, and then decided to take a minor in Anthropology.

    Now I'm double majored.

    Seriously, you should definitely minor in it. Even if it doesn't net you any benefits in terms of employability, you will be introduced to concepts that will broaden your horizons and enable you to understand things from a more objective point of view. To me, that's worth the classes.

  4. I got a minor in anthro and loved every minute of it.   I say go for it.

  5. Cultural anth is useful because you learn how different people are, and also how we're all the same. Helps with people skills and dealing with diversity, so it might look good after college.

  6. Yeah, you could take it.

    When humans will evolve in the future, the skin color won't be just any color. The skin color would evolve according to the environments.

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