
Should I do gymnastics?

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This is going to be my sophomore year in high school and I was thinking about doing gymnastics in the fall. I just want to try something new and learn some things, there are no cuts (thankfully, I can't do anything). But I don't know if I should or not I can't decide. I do winter & spring track as well, so maybe I should have one season off. I'm also trying to learn guitar and drums and i'm in all relatively high classes (J). I also babysit sometimes. Is this too much? gymnastics isn't that important to me but I just want to stay in shape and have fun.




  1. It all depends on where you go and their times scheduel.  Gymnastics tho is not a easy sport to just try.  Most girls who really succede or do well are the girls who are naturally talented for this sport. For gymnastics you have to have the ablity already there.  But who knows... you could walk in there and in a little while figure out that you have a real talent at it.  You will never know if you try.  I too did track during my off season and it is a great way to stay in shape and visa a versa.  If you are planning on getting serios tho... you need to set your priorities or just take less time on the lower priorities.  Im am just as busy and sometimes it can get hectic but you will get a hold on it soon enough!

    Good Luck and remember.. Point thoes toes!

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