
Should I do substance abuse evaluation or counseling for DUI?

by  |  earlier

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My lawyer said that since my readings were high for my DUI and I am underage, in order to get less than 12 months of loss of license I need to either have a substance abuse evaluation or show some proof of counseling. I would really like to try for 7 months instead of 12, what do you think I should do, which is easier and which will cost less? Will insurance cover either? Since I am a kid in college and the drinking habits of kids are technically alcohol problems as it is, will I most likely do bad in the evaluation? I don't have any other psychological problems or other substance abuses, I just used to drink a lot when everyone was back for the summer.

Any advices or experiences are greatly appreciated




  1. Well, if the only reason you are doing this is to minimize the amount of time you lose your license then go do the evaluation and tell them what they want to hear. Lie, tell them it was a one time stupid mistake and you have not taken a drink since and you learned from it. Say you are focusing on school, blah, blah, blah. If you really think you have a problem then go see a counselor about your situation. What does your lawyer advise? I'm sure it's not his first DUI case (hopefully for you)

  2. I suggest going for can't and won't hurt

  3. start going to alcohol anonymour meetings this will show the judge you ar ein recovery and wanna stop drinking and get help, also see a counsellor to stop drinking, also a good lawyer will show that you were binje drinking over the summer but nothing else serious, if you start seeing counsellor and going to meetings you will be better off in court

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