
Should I do this for my parents?

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Ok so my parents have been married 25 years. They were both very poor when they got married so they couldnt afford rings and have never bought wedding rings. I really want to buy my parents wedding rings for christmas. But not like anything REALLY expensive. I was looking at a clearance rack of jewelry at jcpenney and I found some good looking rings that I think they would both wear. (I didnt buy them I was just getting ideas, the rings were only $20 each) How do I pull this off without my parents knowing? How do I measure there ring finger?





  1. I know this sounds weird, but peoples' shoe size are usually the same as their ring size.  (not always, please remember that) It might be a place to start.  Or, if you can tell them you have a school project to measure ring fingers and do both right and left hands on both your parents.  They probably wouldn't get suspicious.  I think it's very sweet of you.

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