
Should I donate to this man?

by  |  earlier

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My son was the victim of ID theft, and it cost him his job, so I can understand this guy's plight.

Should I send him $10?




  1. if you have to ask.....NO! listen to your gut.

  2. My sympathies to your son. Being the victim of ID theft is very hard.  

    The site has the look and feel of a scam.  I can be wrong of course but you asked our opinions.

    ID theft is a serious crime and getting worse.  Medical ID theft is very real.   But this site is not giving factual info as to what happened just trying to arouse emotion and the ad revenue on the site alone should support someone.   He is also not accurate. Many ID theft protection plans do leave you having to deal with things yourself but not all of them. I know this because we have and use one that provides investigators and lawyers to deal with it for you and it does get results.   If you'd like to check that out go to

  3. How do you know that THIS is not a scam also.  If someone has enough time to put together a website, don't you think they would have the time to contact the agencies to clear up this problem.  Hire an attorney and minimize your losses, not just let them build up.

    In today's world it is best to be able to verify for yourself the plight of a person.  

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