This fall I'll be a sophomore and I really want to be a linguistics major with electives (economics, english, polisci, etc.) on the side. I really want to go to law school, but I'm graduating a semester early (to save $$) and I may work for a year or two, so I have to consider job prospects too. I will study Korean but I'm not fluent now (more of a heritage speaker (understand/speak cannot read/write)), and considering my lack of fluency and the fact that Korean isn't an in demand language, I have a feeling that I will have a lot of difficulty finding a job period with this major especially with our bad economy (I definitely don't want to be a teacher or work at Walmart T___T). Should I double major (I would have to overload once to graduate early but no electives T_T) or just consider another major altogether (if I don't do law school, I want to get further ed to be a speech therapist or an audiologist)?? Will a double major help me with job prospects?? I considered business school, but it's faaar from my cup of tea and the b-school at my college is highly ranked and cut-throat competitive and from what I have gleaned from my upperclassmen peers and others, I will need a good GPA for law school. I also considered doubling with Computer Science but I have heard that the CS program at my college sucks (plus I'm terrible with technology in general).
People always tell me that the key to getting a good job is previous work experience. I'm working part-time at school and have an internship and a part-time job during the summer (the best I can do for experience :( with my current level of education), so all I can really do is worry about my major/(s).
I would really appreciate if someone could help me. I'm panicking especially because an upperclassman told me that having only one major will look "lazy" and have no one to ask.