
Should I drink my urine?

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I have psorasis & I hear it helps. Anubody with Psorasis do it & get better? If do how much?




  1. eww. dont do it!

  2. You'll get sick..  

  3. Look up psoriasis for an appropriate treatment.

    Urine is discarded for a reason.  Don't drink it.

  4. People have been talking about the benefits of drinking urine for a long time, personally I think its more of a fetish than anything else.

    Drinking your "own" urine will not hurt you and the toxins are so minute they can't hurt you.  There are properties to urine that are beneficial but they are in such minute quantities they have no real benefit.

    But hey, drink up and drink from the tap hahaha if nothing else fresh warm pee I'm sure has soothing effects and some erotic ones too if nothing else.

    I would suggest watching what you eat and drinking a lot of water prior to a mouthful of pee.

    Who knows, maybe using your own pee as a topical might do something for you, let us know.  Some people even claim its good for "male-pattern-baldness".  

    By the way, in certain conditions which I won't go into here, urine also contains hormones when ehaled act as an aphrodisiac and arouse the erotic senses.

    Look at it this way, experimenting with your own urine isn't gonna hurt you in any way so what the heck, have fun experimenting.

  5. i've never heard of that b4!

  6. I've heard if you apply to the affected area's it may help, but not anything about drinking it

  7. dont drink it, you can get very sick. take other treatment  

  8. wow.....are you serious? why would you ask a bunch of idiots on yahoo that....ask your doctor smart one  

  9. Definitely not. That factoid points up the wisdom in the old saw:Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.

    If you have actually been diagnosed as having psoriasis, then you should also be aware that it is an auto-immune disease. Your immune system has become "tricked" into producing antibodies against certain skin elements and attacks your skin.

    There are some exciting discoveries in the treatment of psoriasis that can really help you , but you must see your doctor and sort this out.

    This is far too complicated to be dealt with here.Please get medical help

  10. yes it taste ******* awesome like kool aid

  11. For gods sake in this day and age their must be some other treatment.  You can drink your urine it wont kill you but I dont think its a good habit to get into

  12. omfg no. Don't do that. ask ur doctor for treatments or at least find a reasonable wife's tale. Come On drinking ur p**s . . . . . thats ridiculous.

  13. sure, drink it, me however will stick with beer - CHEERS

  14. No.....Way..Ur nuts unless your stranded....or like it..i think thats bad 4 u

  15. no ! unless your absolutely despret and have to drink something like if your stranded in  the desert.

  16. Yea, that way you'll be able to save money on all those c**p drinks from the stores. Everytime it comes back out of you just drink it up again

  17. NO! It is an old wives tale! Contact me for some REAL advice on how to treat Psoriasis!

  18. Erm, i wouldnt recommend doing that, don't sound very healthy, it leaves the body for a reason...

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