
Should I drink myself into a stupour with gin?

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I've had a look in the drinks cabinet and found a large bottle of gin I'd forgotten about. Given that I have work in the morning, would it be wise to sink the aforementioned juniper-based spirit down my gullet, thus rendering me in a state of severe inebriation?

I would of course mix the intoxicant with a moderate amount of Indian tonic water.




  1. No.

  2. yes

  3. sure, knock yourself out.     no sweat off my back.

  4. No

  5. This is one I wrestle with daily, when work is the next day.  Sinking it all now - bad - horrid woolly head in morning/wobbly legs/dodgy tum.  Sinking some now - probably fine.  Take your mind off the ol' grind tomorrow.  Then a goodly pinch of the 'hair of the dog' before work (providing you're not driving of course) should get you nicely mellowed out for all the usual c**p of the workplace.  

  6. Probably not.  But I can't say that I would take my own advice ALL of the time.

  7. My favourite i'm all lonesome can i come round and get hammered together. xxxxxxx

  8. No save it for the weekend.

    Get in plenty of lemons,tonic water & have plenty of ice.

  9. well my answer would be no, but since its two hours since your q i reckon the damage has already been done...oh well, happy hangover!!

  10. bottoms up!

  11. Go for it....

  12. sure!....just don't drive...

  13. cheers!!!

  14. not the whole bottle, I'm out of beers so have moved onto the vodka and diet coke, large ones of course

  15. Go for it, just don't forget to set your alarm clock ;o)  Cheers!!

  16. Ralphy all things in moderation now, Ya hear?

    Save some for your guests. What time is the party?

  17. yeah why not? im drinking snakebite at the moment and it is going down well. although be warned, it may not have the same affect on you but gin makes me cry when i drink it, i have no idea why

  18. Oh! my favourite drink, with ice and lime, lemon is so yesterday, in fact, Mrs GB and myself are not doing anything in particular this evening, could we come round for a snifter?

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