Ok so here's the situation: I'm currently in AP Physics B without having taken Physics honors before. I'm a junior, and about half our class is seniors who have taken Physics honors their junior year, so AP Physics is a breeze for them.
I'm considering dropping because I'm not even interested in physics. So I'm not passionate about learning it and it doesn't come easily to me like other subjects. I can tell that I'm already going to struggle.
I'm also in AP Physics for a stupid reason. I couldn't take AP Chem or AP Bio this year because neither fit in with my schedule and I wanted to take an AP Science course my junior and senior years because I want to become a doctor, and hopefully go to Northwestern University. I have made a list of pros and cons of switching to physics honors but I'm terrible at deciding things so I need everyone's help
-I can pay more attention to my AP English and US class without having to worry about physics.
-Physics honors will probably be much simpler and slower paced because everyone is at the same level.
-I will have more time to study for my ACTs & other AP tests to ensure I do well on those as well as in other classes classes.
-I want to make sure I get good grades junior year, and I'm not sure how well I'm going to do in Physics.
-I'm not sure if my Physics teacher will let me switch out.
-I really want to go to Northwestern, and I know they are interested in making sure you challenge yourself and take as many APs as you can, and I don't want to be in only 2 my junior year. A lot of people are in 2-4 this year.
-I want to become a doctor, and I don't think it will look good to college if I don't take 2 years of an AP science, especially since they really examine your junior year.
So please help me decide! I'll provide additional info if needed, but I need to know by Friday because I only have a few days left to drop!