
Should I drop Jered Weaver and pick up Aaron Cook?

by  |  earlier

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10 team mixed league





  1. YES!!! that's an amazing pickup if you can get aaron cook...and if you saw jered weaver's last game against the Mets...he got completely owned...allowing over 5 runs...and aaron cook has a record of 10-3..and he pitches in the NL..and NL west...definitely pitching in the worst league...

  2. Should've done that a while ago. Having Jered on your team is always a gamble - you never know what you're gonna get!

  3. yes Aaron Cook is soooo much  better!!!!!

  4. jered weaver has been inconsistent although the angels are the best team right now. i would go ahead and make it. aaron cook is colorado's best pitcher right now. cook is better on the road though so keep that in mind.

  5. I can only say that its UNBELIEVABLE if Cook is available in your league at this point.  You should definately make this move, Cook is having a career year and Weaver is inconsistent at best.

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