
Should I drop/add anyone or keep status quo?

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Here is my lineup:

C Mauer

1b D. Lee

2b BJ Upton

3b C. Jones

ss J. Rollins

OF J. Hamilton

OF N. Mclouth

OF J. Dye

util J. Bruce

available (any position ok, i can slide into util)

J. Damon

M. Young

M. Kemp

C. Figgins (DL)

K. Fukodome

D. Murphy

R. Church

J. Votto

N. Markakis

M. Lowell

J. Ellsbury

P. Polanco

J. Guillen

V. Wells (DL)

I am in first place with a solid 14 game lead in my league, but I don't want to get too comfortable---should I mess with my lineup to upgrade anywhere?

If i get a bite, should I trade R. Harden and E. Bedard for A. Soriano and drop someone?




  1. if M. Young.

    is Michael Young.

    take him.

    he is almost a guarantee too have a 200+ season.

    and is a very good shortstop.

    he has better numbers then Derek Jeter.

    hoped i helped.

    ps. if your going to drop anyone. drop Jay Brice. He is only on fire know but will probably end up with a .280 average.


  2. how can you be in a 14 team league and Damon, Kemp, Fukodome, Markakis are all available?  something doesn't add up.

  3. drop bruce, and pick up ellsbury........he is a stud on my team leading the league in steals and his wrist injury isn't that serious

  4. Get and keep Jacoby Ellsbury.  Leading the league in steals, will score a ton of runs this year, and will hit in the .280 to .300 range.  I would consider dropping Dye, just my opinion.  I would NOT however, drop BJ Upton that would just be stupid.

  5. i would try and trade mauer....he has good avg but not much else

    you may could trade chipper while his value is really high and get a 2-4-1 deal

    i think your OF is weak......obviously hamilton is a stud,  but dye and mcclouth are liabilities.  JBruce looks like a keeper so far

    what about your pitching?  who do you have?  who is available

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