
Should I drop out of Highschool?

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I am not doing very well in school. I have two F's a C and a B and an A. I turn in my homework but i just dont really understand anything in math and do everything wrong in Language Arts. I have asked my parents for tutors and for help and they either say no im doin something, or say sure Ill help and then say i dont understand this either. When i get bad grades my parents punish me. Is this fair. I have even seeked tutors at the highscool and i had an appointment but they never showed up. Please help! And should I drop out.




  1. I agree with the others, don't drop out...there are some good math resources online that might help you understand... does algebra..and there are a lot of demonstrations on youtube also.

  2. Don'd drop out.....It is so hard being out of school n not able to get into ged class or get back into school.....I have been out of school for over a year(I droped out) I cant get a job or nothin....It was the worset mistak I have ever made.

  3. What do you want to do in life? If it doesn't involve math, then you don't need to worry about it! I don't get math at ALL but I'm going to a make-up and special effects school to work in movies, so I don't need it! Don't drop out of high school, though. You really should finish just to be able to say your finished, otherwise it may be hard even finding a job.

    Find your focus, work towards it, and don't worry about all the in-between stuff. :)

  4. You really shouldnt just give up school altogether and "drop out". I had trouble in public school. I was a D F average student. I always turned my homework in too and I just didnt understand alot of the material the teachers were supposed to be teaching me. So, I found this school, its call Commonwealth Connections Academy or (CCA) serously look at this school and talk to your parents about it. Is the best thing that ever happend to me, Education wise. here is the website, it is Tuition Free, you get one on one help, you get your materials sent to your house. you get a laptop to use for your duration in the school. PLEASE look at this and have your parents look. It truly is a great school. hope i was of some help.

  5. Hi,

    Do you have plans for a job if you chose to drop out of school? If you do have a job lined up, how will it pay? Does that job offer you a bright future? If the answers to ANY of those questions is No. Then you must continue with some sort of education.

    My opinion is that your entire future, who you are, and what you will become, relies on an education.

    That is just how the world we live in works.

    And there is no easy way out of this.

    If you do want an education, you must keep asking for help. But you also must make sure that you are keeping up your end by doing the work that is required of you. And keep working at it!

    I truly wish you the very best that life has to offer!

    It is out there for you, just waiting!

    : >)

  6. Dont give up.  More often than not, itll set a pattern for other decisions you make in life.  Hang in there

  7. k this is what i did ask for {{{{{online homeschooling}}}}}}} get a online this that gives not a ged but what a school gives the online will let you graduate faster  in 1 year or so and then go to college tell your parents that this will give me a higher education i was also thinking of  dropping out of High school and math ask a lot on yahoo copy and paste that how im in high math a i dont understand with a gpa of a B my plans are to go to college hope this help

  8. I had a similar experience in high school. my first 2 years i didn't do so well and was absent a lot and i basically hated school. Luckily my junior and senior year the school offered a tutor to homeschool me. i had all the normal classes but the tutor brought me the work and did it with me, than he brought it back to my teachers. It was weird at graduation thought cause when they called me up all the students were like wtf.

  9. no, you shouldn't drop out of high will regret it!

    or if you want take GED classes instead of high shcool

  10. I generally recommend leaving highschool for anyone, grades not withstanding.  Try reading "The Teenage Liberation Handbook".

    There is life outside of highschool, it's a big world out here.  Come out and join us.  The possiblities are endless.

    Good luck :D

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