
Should I drop out of college and find something new? Help!?

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This is my second year at college, and I'm just tired of it. I'm a music ed. major because I didn't know what else to do and I love music, but it's to the point that I just don't care anymore. I don't want to be here, I'm not enjoying being around my friends during band camp (which is very diff. from last year). I used to be the social butterfly and now I don't want to hang out with anyone and I go through these ridiculous mood swings.

I'm not the type of person that does the same thing over and over again, I thrive on change. I've been this way my entire life, I've never stayed with the same group of friends and I always find something new that interests me and want to do that full-time.

Bottom line, do you think it would be acceptable to just drop out of college, get a full-time job until I save up money, and then move? Any advice is appreciated.




  1. I think you should finish college.

  2. The big deal about earning a degree is showing that you can finish.  Hang in there.  Life is long.  

  3. Well you should finish college just because if you do decide that u want to do some other job or something then u always have something to fallback onto if the other job doesnt work out. or if it isnt too late u can still find another major that requires some of the same classes.

  4. drop out. if u dislike what u are doing don't torture urself

  5. agh! don't drop out. you already been through 2 years and have only 2 more to go. if you do, you just wasted 2 years worth of $$$.

    Just suck it up for 2 more years and then you can do whatever you want for the rest of life. you should build yourself a solid foundation because if you don't , down the road, you will definately be regretting.  

  6. Dear Champ,

    Is your heart really into music ed? Or was it just a last minute decision because music was the only passion you had then?

    Maybe you need to find something that is not only your passion but also has a way of making you fall in love with it all over again every day you learn about it.

    Our majors and interests change every so often... until we find our true passion in life and we go and conquer it. I don't think you should quit school... try new classes that go into different fields like: nursing, computer technology, culinary arts, political science, Fashion Design, Film, Auto Repair Technician, Photography, Ceramics, Landscape Architecture, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice, Graphic Design, Sculpture, Astronomy, Health science, Dance, Accounting, Geology, Illustration, scientific research, etc.  

    You just got to find the major that fits you. Do what you Like. Like what you do. Once you find your passion... you won't get tired of it. Trust me.

    Hope this helps you. Have a Peachy day! and hang in there :-)

    Love and Blessings,

    Lord's Child

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