
Should I dump my GM Junk Bonds? I have about 10,000 dollars tied up.?

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Should I dump my GM Junk Bonds? I have about 10,000 dollars tied up.?




  1. u got ten grand d**n man thats alot of dough.

  2. I sure wouldn't. Your money though.

  3. How long is it tied up? I personally would stay invested.  If GM goes belly up, we will all be in trouble.

  4. I think it is most unlikely that GM will fail so that would mean the risk is not too great.

    Interest rates matter since rising rates could hurt the value.

    But the Fed is of two minds right now and hard to read. They want to raise rates to prevent inflation and want to lower them to help the economy. We just have to watch and wait.

    And the other consideration is alternative investment. Do you have someplace either safer or that you think will make more money to put the money?

    All three things would effect my decision. I would watch the company for bigger signs of trouble and monitor interest rates.


  5. Yes

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