
Should I dye & perm my three year olds hair?

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JK but I have actually been asked if I highlighted or permed my daughter's hair even as young as when she was just 3! Do you think that some people don't think before asking questions?? How do other awesome parents feel about this??




  1. One of my children has an unusual birthmark on their hand and when they were only weeks old someone asked me how they burned their hand!

    I agree....some people just do not think before they speak.

  2. Oh my god, I'd call child protective services if that was happening.  

  3. babies and small kids come iwth the hair color most of us strive for, LOL. but i would NEVER color my childs hair, its too beautiful :)

  4. Lol I was all ready to get mad about this question!  Some people do just ask ridiculous questions!  I was at the gym pool (of course in a bathing suit) and some (adult!) woman came up and asked me what I wore to create the tan line on my back!  I have an oddly shaped birthmark (not raised or anything, just a different color).  I mean, what the heck kind of thing would make that shape of a tan line?!  

  5. No child needs to be taught at such a young age that they need to change the way they look to be acceptable they should be told they are perfect just the way they are!

  6. I wish I were making this up...but a little girl in my daughter's school DID have her hair highlighted.  A lot.  I have to admit, she looked really super cute...but EWW!!  I mean...she's barely FOUR!  I even asked her mama after we got to know each other why she did it...she just smiled and said she thinks it looks awesome.  I said no more...but my opinion is that they have the rest of their lives to "process" their hair...and ruin their feet...and show their bodies if they so choose - they should not be processing their hair, wearing high heal shoes (unless they're playing dress up) or wearing belly shirts and other 's**y' clothes!!

  7. Its a scary world out there and you know that just by hearing that question.  The sad thing is that there are probably people that do dye or perm their young childs hair.  So in that case it wouldn't come as a surprise to them.  Very very odd I think.   I would never do that.

  8. um no those chemicals could be harmful

  9. WOW.


  10. is you daughter in pageants by any chance if she is then it's a valid question because those kids tend to have dyed hair and make up the works that some adults don't get. if she's not then that person may have thought she was but still stupid to assume.

  11. What a scary thought.

    I took my twins to the park the other day and was sitting on a bench next to another mother.

    Now I know my girls look more like their daddy than me and one of the biggest things that's different is that I have dark brown hair and they both have their dad's platinum blonde hair.

    Well we were sitting there talking and the other mother asks me which kid is mine. I point out the twins to her she nods, then says,

    "So do you bleach their hair?" I was shocked! just the thought of doing that to my children *shudders*

  12. Wow, that’s just crazy. Why would anyone even think about doing that to their child at such a young age? Or at all for that matter, let them grow up and do it on their own, I am against supporting children wanting to change their appearance. You are who you are and you should keep yourself that way. I would tell those parents that they are completely crazy and why would they assume that I would want to change my child.  

  13. You must have never researched the "serious toddler beauty pageants".

    Those girls are not born with that blonde hair-those natural highlights, those long eyelashes, and than tanned skin...

    Most are:

    bleached out hair/dyed hair/ permed/fryed hair.

    added on eyelashes/hair extentions.

    sprayed on tans to get them to look thinner...

    fake nails/makeup full on!


    It's crazy how ar parent will go for beauty. Most claim...

    "our kids love this.."

    I say whats to love when thats all they have been exposed too...a life of immature "pampering"....they have probably never even gotten in the dirt!

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