
Should I eat a snack?

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Today I had:

protein bar (220 calories)

tuna sandwich (300 calories)

yogurt (100 calories)

pecans (200 calories)

salad (250 calories)

apple (60 calories)

banana (80 calories)

That was all that I planned to eat today, but now I feel sort of hungry. Do you think that I should have a snack? If so, what should I eat?




  1. eat as much as you want... just exercise more...

  2. You've eaten fine today, so a snack isn't really needed, but if your hungry and want one, it wouldn't hurt you, just have a piece of fruit or something.

  3. Yes, you can certainly afford to have a snack.  You should aim for more calories than that in a day.  That's only about 1190 calories.  Unless you weigh less than 70 pounds you need considerably more than that to maintain your weight.  Have something healthy such as cottage cheese and some fruit, a yogurt, a glass of milk, or maybe a fruit smoothie.
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