
Should I eat breakfast before or after I exercise when I wake up?

by Guest65007  |  earlier

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I plan to start waking up really early and excercising before I go to work. Should I eat breakfast before or after I work out?




  1. eating befor or after exercise there is manny meening, but maby you like adwise from other with the same interest in working out


  2. you should eat atleast a power bar before... or else your running on nothing.

    Then you should eat a real breakfast after you work out.

  3. Workout first.  Working out on a full stomach only makes you nauseous and sluggish, plus it's bad for your digestion.  Plus, if you're hungry but are waiting until after your workout to eat, it can be a motivator to get going with the exercise.

  4. I would have a protein bar or something of that nature before you exercise so you have energy to use.

    Then have a full blown meal afterwards.

  5. Depending on how hunger you are if you are tring to loose wieght light before and after want hurt . by light i mean a bowl of ceral 1 cup of 2% milk and 1 cup of ceral. Afterwards eat 2 toast banana spoon of peanut butter and 1 glass of tea or coffee cut caffine off drink alot of water. Water is the best friend you will have.

  6. I would eat it before the workout, but I wouldn't start working out until after the food digests. If you don't have the time to wait, then workout before eating.

  7. After. Because when you workout your metabolism gets reved up so it will be easier to digest.

  8. after you excersize

    eating then excersizing is very bad for you

    so yeah

  9. Eat after you workout.  You can have something small, like a banana if you need some energy for your workout, but have a rounded breakfast within 30-45 minutes after your workout.  The number of calories depends on your size, but either way, eat at least 20 grams of protein with some whole-grain/complex carbs (ie. oatmeal).  I personally like protein smoothies (mixed with fruit or peanut butter) and whole wheat toast. Yummy.

  10. There are a couple of schools of thought on that. Usually when its cardio they say its ok to eat after but if your lifting weights you should eat before. Depends the amount of exercising you plan on doing. Id think a little something before then a larger meal after seems appropriate. Are you wanting to loose weight or build muscle?

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