
Should I eat this meat?

by  |  earlier

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If I have become vegetarian, but have frozen meat in the freezer, should I eat it or just chuck it out?

I feel guilty chucking it because then that animal would have died for nothing.




  1. Never throw meat away - then the animal has died for no reason! Give the meat to a friend, relative or hungry pet!

    Enjoy the veggie diet!

  2. You're right. I'm a vegan, yet i'm saying this...

    You are wasting the stuff that intentionally bought for you. You're much fortunate than those dying around the world on hunger & starvation. You should finish them all before going for a veganism. The same prisciple applies for any vegetarians or NONvegetarians by philosophy... should not waste anything that assigned in your plate ... skin, bone, shell, intestines, the babies inside, nor any leftover food.

    ... ignorant!

  3. Just cook, and give it to the poor in your neighborhood. They need it more than you do.

  4. Put it on ebay.

  5. Give it to a relative or neighbor

  6. Just eat it.Your not gonna die lol.

  7. Get a few meat eating friends round, make yourself a vegitarian main proten and let them eat the meat as main protien.

    I would suggest stuffed aubergene (egg plant) or rice and mushroom filled whole peppers. If you make the bulk of the meal identicle (lots of veg or rice etc) then you don't have to do much more cooking!

  8. you can invite friends that eat meat over and make it for them.

  9. Well you wouldn't want to ruin just becoming a vegetarian so you have a few other possible options that won't.

    You could always invite neighbors or friends over to have some of it since you can't have any. You might have to cook it for them considering they're coming to your home but its only once.

    Another sensible thing would be to give away to your neighbors or friends. You might not get as far with this one though cause they might not want random foods from you freezer.

    Last you could have a family dinner and invite your family over. Therefore you can spend a little time with them and maybe inform them on the benefits of vegetarianism.

    Hope that gave you some better ideas than eating it or just throwing it away!

  10. give it away or donate it to a homeless shelter or hostel at least that way someone would benefit

  11. Sometimes you need to eat meat because it gives you a lot of energy. It gives protein, carbs and such. If you dont really like,, donate it to neighbors...

  12. if that is the only thing left, eat it

    or else give to others like your family members or neighbors

  13. eat a little..then give it to the others..

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