
Should I eat this?

by Guest65176  |  earlier

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I found a small peice of putty under my pillow. It is soft, and blue-ish green. It smells okay, can I eat it?




  1. Yeah, go ahead!

  2. you can, but you shouldn't!

  3. I think you should.. It's magic putty that will allow you to ask intelligent questions on yahoo as oppose to the mindless questions your currently asking..

  4. Toss a little salt on it and enjoy!

    At your own risk.

  5. why haven't you ate it already?

  6. NO!

  7. It could be earwax.  If you eat it, your slumber might no longer be bug free.  Earwax is a natural insect repellent, you know.  It's also incredibly bitter-tasting...

    Do as thou wilt, and never look back.  =)

  8. It's probably a big booger, but go ahead kids eat them all the time.

  9. I would not.

  10. Eat it! And let me know what it tastes like!

  11. why would you want to eat it???  gross!!!  so if u found something orange with hair would u eat it but there are some weirdos out there. if u  want to then doit

  12. Eeeewww! NOOOOO!!! Throw it awaaaaayyyyy!!!

  13. No, don't eat it. It's already messy, and contain germs.

  14. Sure, why not, Bon Appetite.

  15. no

  16. Most definitely.  Sounds like it may be a good source of protein.
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