
Should I email my professor to find out what textbooks he'll be using?

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I went to the bookstore today (my class starts on Tues.) and I was given a list of three books that we "may" use in the class. Would I be out of line to email the professor and ask him what books he'll be using? I don't want to buy books that I don't need, because my budget is pretty tight.




  1. yes

  2. yes. just email your teacher. i had the same problem during my first year in college. it may take him a little while for him to respond(maybe a few hours). If he is in his office, he should respond quicker. hope this helps

  3. Definitely! I did this several times in college and it was great when a few times (in smaller classes) when the professor was like "ohhh hey you emailed me about the book, how'd it all turn out?"

    Just remember to be polite and say how excited you are about the class!

  4. Every college I've attended (four) would give you a few weeks where you can return text books for free.  Buy the books and ask about them when the class first meets.  The prof will probably say something about what is required even if you don't ask.  

    With many students, the prof. may get a large volume of email.  Questions of this sort may be annoying.

  5. No!  Only contact the professor about books if you can't get the info from the bookstore!

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