
Should I euthanize my neon tetra?

by  |  earlier

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Well today in the morning I went to feed my tetras. I have 4 in a newly set up aquarium. So I saw the male tetra was unusually paler then the rest, and being isolated from the school. They avoided it as much as possible.

I was worried, so later in the day, when I checked again the tetra was in the same condition, maybe worse. It couldn't swim a lot and was being pulled to the filter a lot.

So at the night time I went to Pets Mart and got my water checked. They said it was in perfect condition, so you could tell it wasn't the water.

I researched some things, but nothing quite fit. And also I noticed in the blue stripe there was a white spot.

I'm worried! Should I euthanize my tetra? Any suggestions? I know how to euthanize so thats not a problem. I just want to know what to do :(

My tetras are in a 15g tank with 2 ghost shrimp by the way.




  1. no just wait and see what happens

  2. I would put him in a QT and see how he progresses, I wouldn't euthanize him though....

  3. my neons always lose and regain their color, they just do it when they get stressed sometimes.

  4. Sorry to hear about your loss. :'-(

    But in my opinion it really isn't that irresponsible to go without a hospital tank, if you only have a freshwater tank. It really isn't worth the cost of having all the equipment and setup of an extra tank to save a $3 fish. I know that sounds cruel, but... so be it.

  5. Yes, put it on ice. If it's getting pulled into the filter then it's too weak to live and white spots are Ich which is a parasite and can infect the other fish.

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