
Should I even try.....?

by  |  earlier

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I'm blind and read braille. via the subject I was in today (world history) I got to thinking that if in English braille I have to learn 300 symbols then how many symbols would a student from china have to learn to be literate? that question was running though my mind all day so when I got home I googled it. I found it very intersting. then I thought about other languages (e.g french) and also found that intersting, I so into this that I would concider writting a reacher paper on it. Would it do any good? If I did it on my own would it ever come in handy in the future? I don't plan on going into VI teaching. but if I have kids I have a 3/4 chance of them having a vissual impairment. now is there any way I could work on this and benafit me in school? If not that's okay. I know in english this year I won't get to write on this because the prompts are to partiquar and the topic is hard ot come by.




  1. Yes, definitely.  If you write it up, you may be providing valuable information for VI teachers who consult with teachers of foreign languages. You might send your paper to the State Dept. of Education, so they have the information available for VI teachers who ask them about it.  You might even present it as a "paper presentation" at a VI teacher's convention, or at a gifted student's convention, or at another place where your work could be put on display.

    If you're interested in the subject, go for it!! Someone will find the information interesting & useful!

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