
Should I even try to play Rugby?

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So, I'm starting university soon and I really wanted to join the rugby team. Problem is, I'm really out of shape. I believe that the practices start in about two weeks. They will be three days a week (one day of conditioning) question is, should I even try to do rugby or am I a hopeless case for this year? I don't want to embarress myself in front of all of the other rugby players...but I also don't know how to to get in the best shape I can in the next two weeks...anyone have any advice?




  1. Yes you should try to play rugby its a lot of fun and can be played although with difficulty even if your out of shape. Also if your going to play playing for a year out of shape is better then just skipping the year and joining the next year. As long as you put in your best effort you wont be embarssed by the other players out there. As for getting into shape it depends on the position but the most important thing for all positions is going to be doing a lot of running and building stamina.

                                              good luck

  2. You should definitely go out for the team! There is no better way to get in shape for the game than to start playing the game itself. While there isn't too much you can do in two weeks time, you can (and should) start jogging/running immediately. In a standard rugby match, each half is 40 minutes long. Figure out how fast you can jog and still last for a full 40 minutes. Then do that each day. If 40 minutes is too long for you right now, set your sights at 30 minutes and work your way up.  If it gets a bit monotonous, swap in stair climbing or time on an elliptical runner for one day. Running should, however, be your mainstay (there's no substitute for it), and you should focus your attention on building up enough stamina to last for a full 40 minute half.  Your coach will tell you how to incorporate weights and construct a more comprehensive off-the-field training program.  Good luck!

  3. Most definently join. Once practice begins, it's pretty hardcore, but if you stick with it, it will get you in shape fast. As long as you have endurance, you'll be fine.

    For the next two weeks watch what you eat, and do as much running/jogging as you can. Weightlifting wouldn't hurt either.

    When I first joined rugby I wasn't in shape either, but as long as you have stanima and want to do it, you will do just fine. And the sport whips you in shape fast, so the first couple of weeks might suck, but you'll forget about it by the end of the season when your in the best shape. Goodluck!

  4. Come on. If you don't get in the team at least you'd be in a good shape at the end of it all. That's something. If you don't next season you might be twice as "out of shape".

    After all only 15 can play at one time and you can't learn swimming while standing on the ground :-)

    Try it out. Don't think you'd regret it.

  5. yes it a reely gud game but u miyt break a few bones if ur not curfull

  6. Try out.  It's the best thing you can do.  The more you practice with the team, the better in shape you'll get.

    Just watch out.  Concussions are a b$tch.

  7. Definitely.  Joining the rugby team in college is probably the best thing I've ever done.  The game is amazing, but you'll probably find that the friendships you make and the experiences you will have are one-of-a-kind, and college rugby is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  Commit yourself to it, and it will be fun rather than embarrassing.  In the two weeks that you have, I would agree that stamina is the most important thing to focus on in any position.  So run every day if you can, and be prepared to work hard from the very beginning of the season: it'll be worth it.  Rugby is great, but being in shape and playing rugby is that much more fun, because you'll probably pound all of your opponents.  That's what my coach says anyway.  Good luck, and I say definitely go for it.  I can't imagine being at university and not playing rugby.

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