
Should I feed my Pug before or after I talk him on a walk?

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Which would help him lose the most weight?

Thanks and God Bless!




  1. I would feed him first...

  2. always feed your dog before you walk,

    wait a while before you walk him to make sure the foods had a little bit of time to go down, then walk him and i'm sure he'll leave you a lovely present.



  3. Before.  You are walking him for more then exercise.. Dogs digestive cycle runs anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on food and size of dog.

    The energy level will also increase after he has eaten.  

    If you feed him after excresie and and takes a nap then the food goes to fat

  4. you should feed your dog after a walk. How would you feel if you ate a meal and then had to go exercise? Not very good. Well hoped this helped

  5. Half-hour before. And neither is better or worse in terms of weight loss. Quality and quantity count more.

  6. I always walk my dogs before I feed them, it gives them a sense of working for their food.  I wait 30mins after walking them before I feed them though to give them time to cool down.

  7. Walk your dog before he is exercised.  Yes, this is a Pug, not a Basset, but in my breed, this is the safest way to have your dog bloat and I don't imagine the basics are that different with other breeds!!  Weight loss has absolutely nothing to do with when the dog is fed.  But digestion most certainly does.  Would you like to be dragged out for a route march just after you've had a good meal?

    It's what goes into his bowl/tum that matters.  If your dog is showing signs of being overweight, get him weighed first, to confirm how much he is needing to lose, and then get him onto a Light diet.  There are lots on the market, and you should be able to find one that suits.  Cut out treats, if only until he's looking better.  Hard to do with those eyes, but if you are serious about getting him in top shape, you will have to harden your heart.

    I seriously can't believe those on here who say feed first and walk second.  What's that about!!?

  8. Feed him, wait 30 minutes, and then walk him.

    If you need to get weight off of your pug you need to cut down his food significantly.  It is also advised to add green beans (fresh or canned) to his meals.  Green beans have zero calories, yet they will make him feel full!  

    Good luck!

  9. Well you should feed him before. That way he can poo outside and lose weight at the same time. It is important that he goes outside to do his buisness. I hope this helps.

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