
Should I feel confident that this girl has some interest in me?

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I met a girl awkwardly on my way to the hospital with a friend's girlfriend when my friend (her boyfriend) was there. She brought along a friend of hers and while we waited in the waiting room for my friend's girlfriend (who was in talking to my friend, he ended up being okay for those who are curious) we hit it off, or so I think. We talked about various things we do in terms of sports and just various other things. She clearly was comfortable enough to take a sticker off a new shirt i was wearing that I wasn't aware of. Just last week, we went to the beach together, along with other people and she was eager to sit beside me the entire time (i was the driver). She took the liberty in finding out my mobile number and sent the first text, and we communicate with each other on a regular basis. I've made her laugh and i've shown great interest in anything she has had to say. I havn't seen her at school though, and I always try and communicate with her in some way while at home. I'm really unsure if she actually does like me, or is just considering me a friend. I havn't even known her a month yet and I consider her a good friend of mine. She is unique in the fact that other than being drop dead gorgeous, she's very sweet, kind, and has principles unlike many girls in today's highschools. She showed great interest in the fact that I have a good educational record aswell. I've been careful not to say things that may hurt her feelings, and i think i've been successful.

Is this a good enough basis to ask this girl out confidently? or am I possibly setting us up to put a strain on a friendship. I'd prefer to keep her as a friend than to make her uncomfortable if she doesn't want to go out with me.




  1. Just ask her if she likes you. I know that would be the easiest way to find out, and if I didn't like the guy than I would just joke it off. Then change the topic.

  2. i wouldn't ask the friend to do it for you...

    that would make things awkward and you would just look like a coward for not taking a stand and saying it yourself!

    if you dont have the guts.. u really dont like her...

    if you DO have the guts to say it yourself... it going to look like you really like =]

    just a tip

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