
Should I feel guilty for laughing at the guy? see details?

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Here's the scenario: I was cruising down the street and slowed to 25MPH in the school zone (as required by law). Some clown behind me got REAL mad and passed me WOT (wide open throttle) hitting maybe 45 or 50 and a cop was there with a radar gun aimed right at him and pulled him over.

MADE MY DAY! I see FAR to many speeders whizzing past children and crossing guards with NO concern for their safety.




  1. I am a police officer and i pulled a guy over for the same thing ... it made my day as well ... because people like that do not need a driver's license ... what if a child had been in the cross walk and he didnt see them and ran them over and killed the child ... that stuff just gets me mad and i can promis you that if you put a child's life in danger i will get you ... and do my darnd'est to put your but in jail. So yes you had every right to laugh at this dude ... you should have pointed and laughed at him where he could have seen you. I promise the police officer would NOT have said one word to you.

  2. You're completely justified in laughing.  I live in a school zone and I can't even count how many times I've driven be and seen cars pulled over and people crowded around a blanket covered child in the road.  It's really sad that people speed through these school zones, especially considering they only last a few hundred feet and there are CHILDREN walking all over the place!  That guy got what he deserved and I hope he learned his lesson!

  3. Yes, indeed, I would be laughing!  I always hope these idiot drivers get nailed for their stupidity.

    Not certain here, but I believe a school zone is a no passing zone.  If I am incorrect, please set me straight.  That said, along with the speeding citation the driver could be cited for illegal passing in a school zone.  

    If I was the Judge, I may have pulled the driver's license for a week or two just to get the point across that the lack of regard for everyones' safety is not acceptable.

  4. To be human is to error-that's how we learn- some get it 1st. time,others don't!!Don't laugh @ me~ laugh with me!!

    You neglected to say if the children were even present @ the time this occurred, from reading above the assumption was they were. No one deserves to be judged without all the facts!! Sometimes Emergencies happen, Personally that's nothing to laugh@!!I believe each& everyone of us would respond the same in an Emergency!! You do what ya gotta do 4 the safety of others- like starting CPR!!! 4 min.,that's all ya got!! This is NO laughing matter!!! Yeah, I'd do it again if it meant I could save a Life!! Are you still laughing?

  5. Yea I would have laughed at him too ! It's a School Zone for god sakes .. Children are near ..

  6. No. He deserved what he got.  Thank God he didn't run over anyone.

  7. Heck no you shouldn't feel guilty. It's nice to know SOMEONE gives enough of a d**n to obey the law. Those might have been my kids. Thanks again.

  8. you shouldn't feel guilty cause you follow the law and this guy didn't

    props to you!

  9. Hahaha, that's awesome.  Serves him right.

  10. Don't feel guilty I hope ti costs him a lot of money, and his licence.

  11. Lol! Not at all.

  12. Wow. You proved there is a G-d.

  13. You shouldnt feel bad

  14. I was working in a jail a while ago & at 7 a.m. they brought in a guy for DUI, wreckless driving, speeding, no insurance, & no license while doing all that c**p in a school zone. Oh did they kick his a** hard. 1 yr in jail, 5 year revokation of his license, car impounded, & the fees... Oh my....

  15. h**l no! you should've stopped right beside him and laughed right in his face!!!!!

  16. School zones are only speed traps as your question proves. That is the only reason they exist. Children need to learn to look out for themselves,that's part of growing up. I can understand why the driver got pissed but he reacted incorrectly.

  17. There is nothing more worthy of gut-busting rolling-on-the-floor laughter than to see someone get such an instant punishment as you describe. Not only would I laugh, I would also honk at him when I drive by. I would even be tempted to try and get a few people to gather near him in a small group and point while laughing. Please don't feel guilty. Embrace the moment like you would a mutual o****m. They come around so infrequently.

  18. I would laugh without any concern.

  19. Yeah, I'd laugh. There's a street near my home with a 30 limit, we can't get road humps because it's "a main thoroughfare for emergency response vehicles." It's also about a mile long stretch of nice, smooth blacktop, perfect for drag racing.

    I got honked at for not being in motion the split second a light turned green in a residential area a few days ago. I deliberately stalled the engine. The enjoyment I got out of seeing the woman behind me honk as I pretended to have trouble restarting as traffic coming by the other way was worth every bit of wear and tear on my starter.

    If she'd had a gun, she would have shot me. People were starting to stare, a cop was getting out of his car to help as the light turned yellow, I got the engine running and shot through. She blew the light and the cop had something to say about that. Most fun I'd had all day; call it a special toll for being dumb.

    I always enjoy it when I see someone get nailed for doing something dumb. It's probably not politically correct to bait them into doing something dumb, but it's entertaining.

    Drive Friendly,


  20. ya i wuld crack up 2 and it is completely justified

  21. NOOOOO   see its karma, "who ever laughs last laughs the hardest!!!!"

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