
Should I file a lawsuit against colleges I applied to that I got rejected from?

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I have been rejected by every college I applied to the last 3 years, and it seems sketchy




  1. You cant get rejected from a community college. Apply at a community college it will open the doors to other colleges after an associates is earned.

    As for suing, you can sue anyone you want it your money. However, you most likely wont win. Colleges have criteria in which they accept student.

    I never took the SAT's and got accepted to a community college and after I got my associates I went on to a local four year college.

  2. Why do you think this is happening?  You're leaving out complete details of your situation.  How are your grades? Your math? Your vocabulary? Why do you think you're getting rejected.  

    Are you applying to same colleges over and over again?  Maybe you should diversify your options.  There is no reason for every college to reject you unless you have bad grades.  They WANT your money and they admit enough students to make a bell-shaped curve.  

  3. How funny!!  If you have been rejected it had to be because you do not meet the enrollment requirements.  Why not do something positive like increasing your qualifications instead of trying to blame the colleges for your lack?

  4. Absolutely not. A number of people apply to colleges and get rejected over and over. You are probably aiming too high. You would never ever ever win this lawsuit.

  5. What are your GPA and SAT scores? What colleges have you applied to? Do those colleges fit your profile, or are you reaching too high?

    When you apply to colleges, you need to research them to find out what their average successful applicant looks like. Then look at yourself with those eyes, and decide if the school is something you could reasonably expect to be admitted to.

    The next time you apply to colleges, apply to at least some schools that fit you very well re: GPA and SAT scores, and which *also* let in a significant proportion of their applicants. Also apply to some backup schools, for which your GPA and SAT scores are a bit high. And have people who can really write review your application, to see if you have an misspellings or grammatical errors, and also to critique your essay, if there is one.

    To find schools that might fit your GPA and SATs, use websites like the Princeton Review site, and They list such things for each school. They also tell you what percentage of applicants are admitted. Armed with that information, you can target school that may be right for you.

    And as another poster said, community colleges are open admissions. If you apply, you will get in, so that's certainly an option.

  6. It would be ludicrous to seek redress for every college you have been rejected from. There must be a reason. Figure out what that is and expand your options. If you have the will and the means, you will find it. Starting costly litigation proceedings for being turned away from college entry makes you look shady and the final disposition may never be reached and even if it is, you may not get a judgment.

    For every school that has turned you down, there is one waiting for you to grace the door.

    Just do not give up hope and keep putting one foot in front of the other in seeking other avenues.

    Good Luck! You can get in to one that meets your needs and you will with continued effort. Just do not give up!

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