
Should I find out my baby's s*x?

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I didn't find out with my son. I asked but was told the tech couldn't tell. I loved the surprise and the moment when the doctor declared "it's a boy!" was one of the most awesome moments of my life. I would like to know so I can plan ahead, but I also want to not know again. In really conflicted on this, in Canada we mainly only get the one scan done. So its not like I can wait until next time. And I don't like the idea of subjecting the baby to a 3d scan just for my own selfish purposes. I saw how much my son was pissed and annoyed at a medically necessary scan. So this is basically my one chance. What were your experiences and thoughts on this?




  1. You can always ask them to find out but not tell you, then they have it documented and when you want to know just ask your doctor..

  2. Thats completly your choice. I plan to find out next month what I am having.  

  3. I totally know where you are coming from!!

    My hubby and I have finally decided NOT to find out, even though we were sorely tempted.  It's just such an amazing surprise that I think the inability to plan is made up for in the delivery.

    Whichever you decide, good luck!!  (and congrats!)

    *just a side note, I have to have ultrasounds monthly from now on in my pregnancy (I am 19 weeks), I can't imagine the temptation being there every month.... ahh!!!

  4. I think it should be a surprise. Besides they could be wrong. Both scans of my first child they told me it was a girl. Guess what when the baby came out the doctor said It'ss a boy!"

  5. I would wait again! My husband and I are waiting to find out what we are having. They have very cute clothing and bedroom options out now for unisex. We are also going to buy some obvious girl/boy items, which ever s*x we don't have we will return the items. We actually have people lined up for us to return the stuff so we don't have to. It is such a special moment I say cherish it! You can change the decorations and the clothes any day, but you only get that day once!

  6. No way!!  It's SOO much more fun when you don't!  I know it's hard to wait, but I think there is so much more of a surprise if you don't know, not just for you, for EVERYONE.  Don't worry about putting your baby through a 3D scan.  Ultrasounds don't use radiation, they use sound waves to see the baby.

  7. Would you rather be surprised again or plan ahead?

    Whatever choice you make, I'm sure you'll be happy with it.

  8. I didn't find out and had everything green and yellow for months. I hated it, boys need blues and strong colors not green and yellow.

  9. this is the burning question in my house right now too!

    I think no- the excitement will just build and the surprise will be totally awesome.

    Plus, I think pink and blue are so overused and overrated for babies! I'm loving the browns, greens, oranges, yellows, aquas, animal prints, etc. For the sake of planning, it is good to know- but! The surprise will be out of this world!

  10. We haven't found out. We've done the room the way WE like it - with dinos! We have gotten clothes that have cats on it, pawprints, dinos, robots and anything else that WE like. WE like the colours green, red, blue and brown - and WE don't like the colour pink anyways - so who cares what s*x the kid is! By the time they're older, then they can figure out what colours THEY like and we'll get clothing for them.

    I truly don't get how people think that only green and yellow are 'gender neutral' in any way - there are SO many other colours out there and every day I see babies, kids and adults wearing them all! Why limit yourself in any way!

    I'm in Canada too and there are so many cute clothes that work for both sexes - it's what YOU like and let's face it, they're in sleepers and onesies for a good chunk of the time, and you can just buy a few outfits later on to suit their 's*x' if you're really torn up about it. If you like dogs then get dog outfits, if you like the colour red, then red it up! Baby is happy to be clothed and loved - and doesn't care what its room looks like and if it's 'themed' specifically for their s*x. Let's break those stereotypes and just do stuff we LIKE!

    :) Good luck

  11. You already know what a wonderful surprise it is to find out what the baby is at the moment of his/her birth.  Wouldn't you want to have the same experience again?

    Forget the "planning ahead."  There is nothing that can't be accomplished after the baby is here, unless you have your heart set on a frilly pink nursery or one plastered with little footballs.  And even that can be taken care of after the baby comes.  As far as shopping for clothes is concerned, you are going to want to shop for boy or girl clothes after the baby comes, anyway, so by buying too much ahead of time, you won't really be able to get that much later on once the baby is actually here.

    Truly wonderful surprises happen so infrequently in life.  Take them where you can find them.

  12. there is nothing wrong with getting a 3 D does not harm the baby. Personally I'd have to know...I'm too much of a planner.  

  13. We didn't want to know the s*x of our baby. We were like you with your first pregnancy, we wanted everything to be a surprise. We had to find out due to medical reasons on my part, which was kind of discouraging to not have the choice on finding out or not.

    If you want to plan ahead, then yeah go for it! It you're content with the "neutral" game, then I'd say wait until baby gets here. The surprise is always nice!

  14. I hate surprises so I found out...but only you can really answer this question for yourself

  15. well it depends on the m dead excited to know my babys s*x.....will find it next wed....yay....!!!!! its my first actually so m like excited to know as h**l....i dont know how some ppl can resist to know it...i mean atleast i cant n specially when its my i m planning to keep it surprise for my 2nd though...anyway back to ur q,its depends if u personally want to or not....since u dint get to know ur 1st till birth u can go ahead n know this time before birth...that would be differnet n exciting....whats the big deal when u have to know it anyway after few months.

    and also i would love to address my baby as he or she instead of 'the baby' dont forget the ease of shopping...for instance u found a pink thing too cute,wouldnt u be in dilemma of buying it,coz of not being sure??!!!

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