
Should I find someone to date or stay single?

by  |  earlier

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Girls are picky on choosing people, and I'm not that rich, muscular, tall type of guy. I fear of asking them out also I'm too shy to ask. One minute I want a girl, the next minute I don't. I don't know what to do.




  1. Stick to masturbation.

  2. ima tell u wat i usually tell my guy friends wen there having gurl problems....

    Dont look for the gurll.. the right gurl will come to u.. and if ur smart you'll know wat im trying to say wen the time comes...

    but if ur jus looking for a good time then u look for her... the easy ones are to play with..

    the ones that ignore u and play hard to get and are rude for no reason at all.. are the ones u want to keep.. :)

    Hope i helped at least a little.. :)

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